Dr. Neng-Huei (George) Lin

Among the many hats he wears, George is a professor at Taiwan's National Central University in the Department of Atmospheric Science. He is the scientific lead for the aerosol measurements at Mount Lulin (LLN) which are located at the Lulin Atmospheric Background Site LABS. The LLN/NOAA collaborative aerosol measurements have been online since October 2008.

George is also an editor of the journal of Aerosol and Air Quality Research (there are several recent publications using data from the Federated Aerosol Network in that journal), as well as being on the advisory board for several other journals. George was a primary leader of the 7SEAS project which focuses on aerosol/meteorology/climate interactions in south-east Asia. His research interests include aerosols, air quality, precipitation and clouds with a particular focus on atmospheric chemistry, environmental pollution and mountaintop research.

More about George's research can be found here.