NOAA_AirCore_data_v20181101 Created by Colm Sweeney (9/11/2017) This is the current NOAA aircore dataset that includes data targeting the following sites: - Boulder, CO - Lamont, OK - Lauder, NZ - Sodankyla, Finland - Park Falls, WI - Edwards AFB/Dryden, CA Available files: Level 1 - Initial_file - description of AirCore launch which includes description of AirCore, Met and mole fraction measurements. - Met File - AC[launchyyyymmddHHMM]_[AirCoreID]_py_final_met.csv is a comma separated value with the met data gathered during the duration of the flight (see variables below) - Mole Fraction File - AC[launchyyyymmddHHMM]_[AirCoreID]_py_pic.csv is a comma seperated value with mole fraction data from analysis of air in the aircore (see variables belwo) Level 2 - Initial_file - description of AirCore launch which includes description of AirCore, Met and mole fraction measurements. - Final output file - AirCore[AirCoreID]_[launchyyyyddmmHHMM]_v[yyyymmdd].txt final dry mole fraction values of aircore (see description below). ############################## Final output Variables: DateTime (UTC) - yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS Pressure (mb) - atmospheric pressure (mbar) lat(N)- latitude (degrees north) lon(E)- longitude (degrees east) sec_frm_midnight - seconds from midnight CO2 (ppm) - CO2 mole fraction (ppm) co2_err (ppm) - CO2 mole fraction uncertainty (ppm) CH4 (ppb) - CH4 mole fraction (ppb) ch4_err - CH4 mole fraction uncertainty (ppb) CO (ppb) - CO mole fraction (ppb) co_err - CO mole fraction uncertainty (ppb) T (C) - Atmospheric temperature (C) - Radiosonde (iMET usually) TH(K) - Atmospheric potential temperature (K) - Radiosonde (iMET usually) RH (%)- Atmospheric relative humidity (%)- Radiosonde (iMET usually) Alt (m) - altitude (m) AirCoreT(C) - Average AirCore Temperature during flight (C) alt_err_co2+(m) - estimated diffusion altitude (m) for CO2 above Alt that is included in the measurement alt_err_co2-(m) - estimated diffusion altitude (m) for CO2 below Alt that is included in the measurement alt_err_ch4+(m) - estimated diffusion altitude (m) for CH4 above Alt that is included in the measurement alt_err_ch4-(m) - estimated diffusion altitude (m) for CH4 below Alt that is included in the measurement alt_err_co+(m) - estimated diffusion altitude (m) for CO above Alt that is included in the measurement alt_err_co-(m) - estimated diffusion altitude (m) for CO below Alt that is included in the measurement ############################## INI Variables: Cylinders_Header - Column headers for trace gas measured Fill_Std_Values - Mole fraction value for "fill" gas - gas that AirCore has in it before launch Cal_Std_Values - Mole fraction value for "cal" gas - gas used to calibrate instrument Chase_Std_Values - Mole fraction value for "chase" gas - gas that follows sample at bottom of AirCore Fill_Std_ID - ID of tank used for as the "fill" gas Cal_Std_ID - ID of tank used for as the "cal" gas Chase_Std_ID - ID of tank used for as the "chase" gas Analyzer_ID - ID of analyzers used for analysis of trace gases Mole_fraction_file_name - Name of data file from mole fraction analysis (see decription below) Analysis flow rate - cc/min. Approximate flow rate used during analysis AirCore_ID - AirCore ID (specific ID of AirCore tubing plus fittings) Met_Sensor_ID - ID of met (RH, T) sensors used Met_file_name - Name of met data file (see decription below). CO_flag - (0 or 1) indicates CO was used as a tracer for mixing. flip - (0 or 1) indicates whether aircore is being analyzed top (1) first or bottom (0) first Tot_AirCore_launched - Total aircores balloons launched during a single day (UTC) Tot_AirCore_Strings - Total AirCore samplers launched during a single day (UTC) Valve_Close_Delay - delay (minutes) between aircore landing and valve closing Min_indx_Cutoff Max_indx_Cutoff Home_Institution AirCore Dimensions: - Section number - incremental section in AirCore from top to bottom and includes sample measurement apparatus. - Description - Text description of section. - Used_fill - used_fill(1) when being used during sampling - Used_analysis - Used_analysis(1) when being used during analysis phase - length - length(m) of section. - Diameter - Inner diameter (m) of section - Porosity - Fraction of total volume available for airflow - CV - Critical flow value of section. 1 suggest no critical flow value ############################## Met Data Variables: secs_since_midn_UTC - seconds after midnight lat(N)- degrees lon(E)- degrees Alt (m)- meters Pressure (mb) - mbars T (C)- Temperature, celcius (Radiosonde) RH (%)- Relative Humidity, percent (Radiosonde) Tcore1 - AirCore temp1 Tcore2 - AirCore temp1 Tcore3 - AirCore temp1 Tcore4 - AirCore temp1 Tcore5 - AirCore temp1 Flight - Ground(0)/Ascent(1)/Descent(2) close - Valve close after landing (1). Not closed (0) smooth_alt - Smoothed altitude profile smooth_Pamb - Smoothed pressure profile smooth_Tamb - Smoothed temperature profile smooth_Tcoil - Smoothed average aircore temperature profile - Average of most 1-5 temperature sensors in AirCore fract_moles_imet - output on flow model indicating the fraction (relative to the landing) of total dry air capture at each altiude during flight dP_mb - differential pressure (mbar) measure between ambient and closed end of the AirCore ############################## Mole Fraction Data Variables: tco2_since_midn_UTC - seconds after midnight (use data of filename as midnight) CO2(ppm) - CO2 dry mole fraction (umol CO2/mol dry air) CH4(ppb) - CH4 dry mole fraction (nmol CH4/mol dry air) CO (ppb) - CO dry mole fraction (nmol CH4/mol dry air) AirCore_index - AirCore_index(1) estimated beginning to end of AirCore sample. AirCore_index(0) when running standards or other AirCores top_mix_index - top_mix_index(1) marking mixing between "fill" gas and "clean" sample at top of aircore. bot_mix_index - bot_mix_index(1) marking mixing between "chase" gas and "clean" sample at bottom of aircore sample.