.. highlight:: rest .. _makez: Stage 3 - Observations, background and priors ================================== The solution of :ref:`Equation 1 ` requires a prior estimate of s (called s\ :sub:`p` or sprior). The user must create the *sprior* file with dimensions ntimesteps x nlandcells, so there is a value for each land cell at each time step. :ref:`Equation 1 ` also uses *z*, a vector of measurements for use in the term :math:`(z-Hs_p)`. This term is defined as :math:`(z-Hs_p)` = (observation - bg - Hs\ :sub:`p` - Hother ) The program **make_z.py** makes these calculations and creates one file used in the inversion, * *zhsp.txt* - contains :math:`(z-Hs_p)`\ , dimensions (nobs) and several additional files for information: * *obs-bg.txt* - Observation values minus the background values. * *hsprior.txt* - H convolved with sprior. Prerequisites ------------- * observation list - File with observation values, one value per line for each receptor. * background list - File with background values, one value per line for each receptor. * sprior - contains s\ :sub:`p`\ . Can be either a numpy save file, dimensions (ntimesteps x ncells), or a netcdf file, with a variable named 'sprior' and dimensions (ntimesteps x nlat x nlon) * H blocks created by :ref:`hsplit.py `. * (Optional) hother, one value per line for each receptor, with additional values to subtract from *z*. Usage ------------- **make_z.py** is run with:: Usage: make_z.py [--other=otherdata] [-c configfile] obsfile spriorfile backgroundfile where Reguired arguments obsfile : file with observation value, one line per receptor. spriorfile : file with sprior data. It can be either .npy or netcdf format. backgroundfile : file with background value, one line per receptor. Default is 'bg.txt'. Optional arguments -c configfile : file with configuration data. Default is 'config.ini'. --other=otherdata : file with other values to subtract from observations, one line per receptor. Output: zhsp.txt - Observations minus background minus hsprior minus hother hsprior.txt - H convolved with sprior obs-bg.txt - Observations minus background