
Wednesday, May 22
Oral Session

Agenda sorted by author

Click on presentation title to view abstract.
First Author Title Type Session
1Elizabeth Asher

Balloon-based observations of stratospheric water vapor and aerosol transport and removal pathways

Oral Wednesday, May 22
09:30 - 09:45
2John A. Augustine

Recent features affecting the Mauna Loa Apparent Transmission record

Oral Tuesday, May 21
11:00 - 11:15
3Bianca Baier

NOAA AirCore Program development over the past decade: new sampling techniques, analysis methods and observations

Oral Wednesday, May 22
09:00 - 09:15
4Kelly Balmes

Prediction of Solar Variability by Cloud Type and Cloud Cover at ARM and SURFRAD Sites

Poster Tuesday, May 21
5Ethan Barber

A New Approach for an Aerosol Humidity Conditioning System to Study f(RH) Measurements

Poster Tuesday, May 21
6Alex Baron

Stratospheric Aerosol Effective Radius Response to Volcanic and Wildfire Perturbations – Insight from the B2SAP Network

Oral Tuesday, May 21
17:00 - 17:15
7Germar H. Bernhard

Total ozone and ultraviolet radiation measurements at the South Pole

Oral Tuesday, May 21
17:15 - 17:30
8Erin Boedicker

A global evaluation of measured surface and column aerosol optical properties

Poster Tuesday, May 21
9Lori Bruhwiler

CarbonTracker-CH4 – Towards operational estimates of the atmospheric methane budget

Oral Wednesday, May 22
14:30 - 14:45
10Brian Butterworth

Impact of Snow Melt Date on Seasonal Energy Balance Across the North Slope of Alaska

Poster Tuesday, May 21
11Vanessa Caicedo

NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory's Measurement Network and Data Products Supporting PBL Research

Poster Tuesday, May 21
12Abhishek Chatterjee

Monitoring the “Health” of the Global Carbon Cycle with NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory missions

Oral Wednesday, May 22
16:30 - 16:45
13Odele Coddington

BABAR-ERI: An Innovative Instrument to Image Broadband Radiation at High Spatial Resolution

Oral Tuesday, May 21
16:15 - 16:30
14John Cortinas

NOAA Leadership Opening Remarks

Oral Tuesday, May 21
08:45 - 09:15
15Kevin C. Cossel

Spatial and temporal variability of CH4 and CO2 across New York City

Poster Tuesday, May 21
16Patrick Cullis

Antarctic Ozone Hole Updates from South Pole Ozonesondes

Poster Tuesday, May 21
17Michael Dyonisius

Detection of CH4 containing aged C released from thermally-degrading permafrost using 14CH4 measurements

Poster Tuesday, May 21
18Sivert Eilertsen

Complexity-Entropy analysis and stochastic modelling of atmospheric

Poster Tuesday, May 21
19Brenden Fischer-Femal

Exploring Terrestrial CO2, 13CO2, and 14CO2 Fluxes with the LPJ Dynamic Vegetation Model

Poster Tuesday, May 21
20Alyssa Fullerton NOAA’s Mauna Loa Atmospheric Baseline Observatory NET-ZERO Initiative Poster Tuesday, May 21
21Benjamin Gaubert

Sensitivity of modelled ozone to methane emissions and halogen chemistry, comparison with NDACC, satellite retrievals, and NASA ATom

Oral Wednesday, May 22
14:00 - 14:15
22Elise-Andree Guerette

Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) measurements from CSIRO’s GASLAB

Oral Wednesday, May 22
10:45 - 11:00
23Kyle Guerre

High-Altitude Balloon Autonomous Navigation System (HABANS)

Poster Tuesday, May 21
24Aron Habte

Radiometer Upgrades for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program: Current Status 

Oral Tuesday, May 21
16:30 - 16:45
25Samuel Hammer

Dr. Ingeborg Levin's Legacy in Greenhouse Gas Research: A Retrospective of Her Scientific Life

Oral Wednesday, May 22
12:00 - 12:15
26Philip Handley

Establishing the Colorado Atmospheric Observatory (CAO): NOAA GML’s Newest Atmospheric Measurement Network (AMN) Site and Future Supersite

Poster Tuesday, May 21
27Eman Gaber Hamza Hassan

Monitoring dust at Cairo city from Aeronet data

Poster Tuesday, May 21
28Liyin He

The weekly cycle of photosynthesis in Europe reveals the negative impact of particulate pollution on ecosystem productivity

Oral Wednesday, May 22
16:15 - 16:30
29Detlev Helmig

Association between elevated airborne radioactivity and natural gas emissions downwind of a Colorado oil refinery 

Poster Tuesday, May 21
30Henrik Helmig

Coupling NASA satellite aerosol data with surface low-cost air sensor observations for mapping brick kiln particle emissions in and around the megacity of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Poster Tuesday, May 21
31Ken Hirata

Quantification of Direct Aerosol Radiative Effects in Heterogeneous Atmospheres based on Observationally Constrained Process Models

Poster Tuesday, May 21
32Lei Hu

Quantifying CO2 fertilization effect on the increase of CO2 seasonal cycle amplitude at northern high latitudes

Oral Wednesday, May 22
16:00 - 16:15
33Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa

COVID-19 impacts on the US methane emissions 

Oral Wednesday, May 22
14:45 - 15:00
34Pascal Joly

Testing and Deploying Low Cost CO2 Sensors through Citizen Scientists: Results and Findings

Poster Tuesday, May 21
35Hariperumal Narayanamoorthy K

Revolutionizing Carbon Dioxide Capture: Conventional approaches are extremely utilized in the manufacturing process of traditional bricks with the locally available soils, construction waste materials and ISF slag utilization rate

Oral Wednesday, May 22
17:15 - 17:30
36Ralph Keeling

Application of atmospheric O2/N2 measurements for determining global carbon sinks

Oral Tuesday, May 21
10:45 - 11:00
37Jonathan Kofler

Implementing a Next Generation in-situ Measurement System across NOAA GML Tall Towers and Baseline Observatories

Poster Tuesday, May 21
38Debra E. Kollonige

Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) 2024 Project Updates: Archive News and Ozone Trends

Poster Tuesday, May 21
39Xin Lan

NOAA’s Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network (GGGRN): evolution of the network and the foundation for tracking global CO2, CH4, and N2O trends and understanding emission changes

Oral Tuesday, May 21
11:15 - 11:30
40GML Leadership

Welcome and Conference Overview

Oral Tuesday, May 21
08:30 - 08:45
41Christopher F. Lee

Iodine may rival bromine as a mercury oxidant in the free troposphere

Oral Wednesday, May 22
11:00 - 11:15
42Tim Lueker

Results from a year of Continuous CO2 records at Mauna Loa and Maunakea

Oral Tuesday, May 21
11:30 - 11:45
43James Marlow

Evaluation of basin-scale GHG dispersion simulated by Lagrangian particle dispersion models

Poster Tuesday, May 21
44Matt Martinsen

Mauna Loa Observatory, Post Eruption Operations

Poster Tuesday, May 21
45Thomas Mefford

Overview of the World Meteorological Organization Global Atmosphere Watch Central Calibration Laboratory for Greenhouse Gases

Poster Tuesday, May 21
46Pedro de Melo

Fully-automated, machine learning-based, satellite methane detection algorithm applied to estimate offshore emissions

Oral Wednesday, May 22
15:15 - 15:30
47Sylvia Michel

A decrease in atmospheric δ13CCH4 suggests a continued increase in microbial emissions in recent years.

Oral Wednesday, May 22
14:15 - 14:30
48Elijah Miller

A Dual Comb Spectrometer for Arctic Methane Flux Quantification

Poster Tuesday, May 21
49Koji Miyagawa

Optimized Umkehr and Satellite Ozone profile Validation: Project with European Space Agency (ESA)

Poster Tuesday, May 21
50Steve Montzka

Refining understanding of atmospheric trends and variability for CFC-113 and CFC-113a

Oral Wednesday, May 22
10:30 - 10:45
51Marikate Ellis Mountain

Constraining 2010-2020 Amazonian carbon flux estimates with satellite solar-induced fluorescence (SIF)

Poster Tuesday, May 21
52Griša Močnik

Calibration methods for in-situ aerosol absorption instruments

Oral Wednesday, May 22
08:45 - 09:00
53Cynthia Nevison

SMAP soil moisture variations are linked to Midwestern N2O emission pulses in a regional inversion framework

Poster Tuesday, May 21
54John Ortega

Good BUDS (Boulder Utrecht Deuterium System): hydrogen isotope measurements of atmospheric methane through international collaboration

Poster Tuesday, May 21
55Jeff Peischl

Filling gaps - National Observations of Greenhouse gasses Aircraft Profiles (NOGAP)

Oral Wednesday, May 22
16:45 - 17:00
56Ryan Peterson

Statistical modelling of the relationship between climate modes and eastern Australia atmospheric carbon monoxide

Poster Tuesday, May 21
57Irina Petropavlovskikh

Ground-based validation of the NOAA-20 NUCAPS and OMPS Ozone profiles for trends.

Poster Tuesday, May 21
58Mahendar Chand Rajwar

Spatiotemporal variations (2017-2022) in non-methane hydrocarbons in the central Himalayas and foothills regions: Role in ozone formation and Health Risk

Oral Wednesday, May 22
11:45 - 12:00
59Eric Ray

Detecting multi-decadal changes in the Brewer-Dobson circulation from in-situ trace gas measurements and idealized modeling

Oral Wednesday, May 22
09:15 - 09:30
60Ben Riddell-Young

New insights into the global methane budget from measurements of atmospheric δD-CH4

Poster Tuesday, May 21
61Laura Riihimaki

Examining Spectral Albedo Measurements of Snow for Impacts of Aerosol Deposition at the SAIL and SPLASH Campaigns

Poster Tuesday, May 21
62Nell Schafer

Trends in Methane Emission Sources in the Los Angeles Basin, California

Oral Wednesday, May 22
15:00 - 15:15
63James Patrick Sherman

The evolution of atmospheric observatories at Appalachian State University into a world leader in long-term measurements for aerosol-cloud-climate research

Oral Tuesday, May 21
16:45 - 17:00
64Chris Smith

Estimating the global methane soil sink using knowledge-guided machine learning

Poster Tuesday, May 21
65Priyanka Srivastava

Continuous Cargo-ship based multi-species Observations for Urban Emissions in Japan Bay

Oral Wednesday, May 22
11:30 - 11:45
66Ryan M. Stauffer

Dynamical Drivers of Free-Tropospheric Ozone Increases Over Equatorial Southeast Asia

Oral Wednesday, May 22
11:15 - 11:30
67Anne Thompson

Global Ground-based Tropospheric Ozone Measurements: Reference Trends (2000-2022) from the TOAR-II/HEGIFTOM Project    

Oral Tuesday, May 21
10:30 - 10:45
68Amy Townsend-Small

Hydrogen isotopes as tracers of methane sources

Poster Tuesday, May 21
69Dave Turner

Ground-based Thermal Infrared Spectrometers: What We Can Learn

Oral Tuesday, May 21
16:00 - 16:15
70Samuel Upton

Constraining biospheric carbon dioxide fluxes by combined top-down and bottom-up approaches

Oral Wednesday, May 22
17:00 - 17:15
71Brian Vasel

Overview of the Mansfield Fellowship Program, 2023/2024: US - Japan Collaboration

Poster Tuesday, May 21
72Aki Virkkula

Scattering coefficient and particle number concentration indicating particle size

Oral Wednesday, May 22
08:30 - 08:45
73Holger Vömel

Long term observations of tropical upper tropospheric and stratospheric water vapor at Costa Rica

Oral Wednesday, May 22
09:45 - 10:00
74Ray F. Weiss

2024 Keynote Presentation: Quantifying Emissions of Ozone Depleting Substances and Greenhouse Gases: Building and Maintaining an Effective Atmospheric Monitoring Network

Oral Tuesday, May 21
09:15 - 10:00
75Michael Yonker

Descriptive Statistical Analysis of Non-Wetland Methane (CH4) Fluxes to Inform Modeling of the Global CH4 Soil Sink

Poster Tuesday, May 21
76Kunxiaojia Yuan

Wetland Methane Emissions from the Boreal-Arctic region: Magnitude, Temporal Dynamics, and Dominant Drivers

Poster Tuesday, May 21
77Qing Zhu

Advancements in bottom-up estimates of global wetland CH 4 emissions to support atmospheric chemistry transport modeling

Poster Tuesday, May 21
78Matthew Ziminski

Visualizing GML’s Model and Observation Data Products

Poster Tuesday, May 21