Koji Miyagawa

Staff Listing

Koji Miyagawa

Visiting Scientist

Ozone and Water Vapor

Mailing Address:
NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
325 Broadway R/GML
Boulder CO 80305-3328

Email: miyagawa.koji@noaa.gov

Koji Miyagawa

Koji Miyagawa is a visiting scientist with the Ozone and Water Vapor group in the Global Monitoring Laboratory since 2014. He obtained a PhD from the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan in 2010 on a study of depletion of the upper stratospheric ozone in the Antarctic. The recovery of stratospheric ozone layer is under investigation. The longest historical dataset of ozone measurements is taken by Dobson instruments. In the framework of the WMO/GAW ozone ground-based Dobson network, under continuous budget and personnel constraints, there is a great interest in development of robust automation for Dobson ozone Spectrophotometer observations and addition of the user-friendly tools for the operational data quality assurance. He is also in the process of the improvements to retrieval algorithm that derives ozone profiles from Umkehr measurements. These "near-real" time ozone profiles are routinely used for the validation of satellite observations.

The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan Ph.D., Polar Science, 2010