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Yellow markers indicate discontinued sites

Hegyhatsal, Hungary [HUN]

site location map


  • Country: Hungary Country Flag
  • Latitude: 46.9559° North
  • Longitude: 16.6521° East
  • Elevation: 248.00 masl
  • Time Zone: Local Standard Time + -1.0 hour(s) = UTC


Cooperating Agencies

The TV and radio transmitter tower (owned by Antenna Hungaria Corp.) is located in a flat region of western Hungary. The tower is surrounded by agricultural fields (mostly crops and fodder of annually changing types) and forest patches. The distribution of vegetation types (60% arable land, 30% forest and woodland, 10% other) within 10 km of the tower is not greatly different from the average for the Western Hungarian Landscape Unit or the whole country (85% of the area is cultivated, 77% of which is agricultural and 23% is forest).

GML Projects at Hegyhatsal

Carbon Cycle Surface Flasks

Parameter Formula First Sample Date Status
Carbon Dioxide CO2 1993-03-02 Ongoing
Methane CH4 1993-03-02 Ongoing
Carbon Monoxide CO 1993-03-02 Ongoing
Molecular Hydrogen H2 1993-03-02 Ongoing
Nitrous Oxide N2O 1995-11-15 Ongoing
Sulfur Hexafluoride SF6 1995-11-15 Ongoing
Carbon-13/Carbon-12 in Carbon Dioxide d13C (CO2) 1993-03-02 Ongoing
Oxygen-18/Oxygen-16 in Carbon Dioxide d18O (CO2) 1993-03-02 Ongoing