GML Observatory Operations (OBOP)

NOAA/GML operates staffed atmospheric baseline observatories from which numerous in situ and remote atmospheric and solar measurements are conducted. The overall scientific programs and administrative functions of the observatories are handled from Boulder with on-site station chiefs caring for day-to-day station activities.

Observatory Map American Samoa Barrow South Pole Mauna Loa

The NOAA Trinidad Head, California and Summit Greenland Atmospheric Baseline Observatories were downgraded from thier status as a full “Observatory” to a “Sampling Site”. Most long-term projects and infrastructure were removed from the sites. For a summary of measurements and a description of the sites, follow these links:

Trinidad Head Site Description
Summit Site Description

If you are interested in conducting research at one of the NOAA Baseline Observatories:

Request a New Baseline Observatory
Cooperative Agreement