GML Publications for 2024

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An, Minde, Ronald G. Prinn, Luke M. Western, Xingchen Zhao, Bo Yao, Jianxin Hu, Anita L. Ganesan, Jens Muehle, Ray F. Weiss, Paul B. Krummel, Simon O Doherty, Dickon Young and Matthew Rigby, (2024), Sustained Growth Of Sulfur Hexafluoride Emissions In China Inferred From Atmospheric Observations, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 15, 1, 10.1038/s41467-024-46084-3


Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is a potent greenhouse gas. Here we use long-term atmospheric observations to determine SF6 emissions from China between 2011 and 2021, which are used to evaluate the Chinese national SF6 emission inventory and to better understand the global SF6 budget. SF6 emissions in China substantially increased from 2.6 (2.3-2.7, 68\% uncertainty) Gg yr-1 in 2011 to 5.1 (4.8-5.4) Gg yr-1 in 2021. The increase from China is larger than the global total emissions rise, implying that it has offset falling emissions from other countries. Emissions in the less-populated western regions of China, which have potentially not been well quantified in previous measurement-based estimates, contribute significantly to the national SF6 emissions, likely due to substantial power generation and transmission in that area. The CO2-eq emissions of SF6 in China in 2021 were 125 (117-132) million tonnes (Mt), comparable to the national total CO2 emissions of several countries such as the Netherlands or Nigeria. The increasing SF6 emissions offset some of the CO2 reductions achieved through transitioning to renewable energy in the power industry, and might hinder progress towards achieving China s goal of carbon neutrality by 2060 if no concrete control measures are implemented. Atmospheric measurements show that China s emissions of the potent greenhouse gas, sulfur hexafluoride, grew rapidly between 2011 and 2021. This rise could offset some of China s progress towards its greenhouse gas emission reduction goal.
Balmes, Kelly A., Laura D. Riihimaki, John Wood, Connor Flynn, Adam Theisen, Michael Ritsche, Lynn Ma, Gary B. Hodges and Christian Herrera, (2024), Evaluation Of The Hyperspectral Radiometer (HSR1) At The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) Site, ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, 17, 12, 3783-3807, 10.5194/amt-17-3783-2024


The Peak Design Ltd hyperspectral radiometer (HSR1) was tested at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility Southern Great Plains (SGP) site in Lamont, Oklahoma, for 2 months from May to July 2022. The HSR1 is a prototype instrument that measures total ( F total ) and diffuse ( F diffuse ) spectral irradiance from 360 to 1100 nm with a spectral resolution of 3 nm. The HSR1 spectral irradiance measurements are compared to nearby collocated spectral radiometers, including two multifilter rotating shadowband radiometers (MFRSRs) and the Shortwave Array Spectroradiometer-Hemispheric (SASHe) radiometer. The F total at 500 nm for the HSR1 compared to the MFRSRs has a mean (relative) difference of 0.01 W m - 2 nm - 1 (1 \%-2 \%). The HSR1 mean F diffuse at 500 nm is smaller than the MFRSRs by 0.03-0.04 (10 \%) W m - 2 nm - 1 . The HSR1 clear-sky aerosol optical depth (AOD) is also retrieved by considering Langley regressions and compared to collocated instruments such as the Cimel sunphotometer (CSPHOT), MFRSRs, and SASHe. The mean HSR1 AOD at 500 nm is larger than the CSPHOT s by 0.010 (8 \%) and larger than the MFRSRs by 0.007-0.017 (6 \%-18 \%). In general, good agreement between the HSR1 and other instruments is found in terms of the F total , F diffuse , and AODs at 500 nm. The HSR1 quantities are also compared at other wavelengths to the collocated instruments. The comparisons are within similar to 10 \% for the F total and F diffuse , except for 940 nm, where there is relatively larger disagreement. The AOD comparisons are within similar to 10 \% at 415 and 440 nm; however, a relatively larger disagreement in the AOD comparison is found for higher wavelengths.
Bertolacci, Michael, Andrew Zammit-Mangion, Andrew Schuh, Beata Bukosa, Jenny A. Fisher, Yi Cao, Aleya Kaushik and Noel Cressie, (2024), INFERRING CHANGES TO THE GLOBAL CARBON CYCLE WITH WOMBAT V2.0, A HIERARCHICAL FLUX-INVERSION FRAMEWORK, ANNALS OF APPLIED STATISTICS, 18, 1, 303-327, 10.1214/23-AOAS1790


The natural cycles of the surface-to-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other important greenhouse gases are changing in response to human influences. These changes need to be quantified to understand climate change and its impacts, but this is difficult to do because natural fluxes occur over large spatial and temporal scales and cannot be directly observed. Flux inversion is a technique that estimates the spatiotemporal distribution of a gas fluxes using observations of the gas mole fraction and a chemical transport model. To infer trends in fluxes and identify phase shifts and amplitude changes in flux seasonal cycles, we construct a flux-inversion system that uses a novel spatially-varying time-series decomposition of the fluxes. We incorporate this decomposition into the Wollongong Methodology for Bayesian Assimilation of Trace-gases (WOMBAT, Zammit-Mangion et al., Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 2022), a Bayesian hierarchical flux-inversion framework that yields posterior distributions for all unknowns in the underlying model. We also extend WOMBAT to accommodate physical constraints on the fluxes and to take direct in situ and flask measurements of trace-gas mole fractions as observations. We apply the new method, which we call WOMBAT v2.0, to a mix of satellite observations of CO2 mole fraction from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) satellite and direct measurements of CO2 mole fraction from a variety of sources. We estimate the changes in the natural cycles of CO2 fluxes that occurred from January 2015 to December 2020, and compare our posterior estimates to those from an alternative method based on a bottom-up understanding of the physical processes involved. We find substantial trends in the fluxes, including that tropical ecosystems trended from being a net source to a net sink of CO2 over the study period. We also find that the amplitude of the global seasonal cycle of ecosystem CO2 fluxes increased over the study period by 0.11 PgC/month (an increase of 8\%) and that the seasonal cycle of ecosystem CO2 fluxes in the northern temperate and northern boreal regions shifted earlier in the year by 0.4-0.7 and 0.4- 0.9 days, respectively (2.5th to 97.5th posterior percentiles), consistent with expectations for the carbon cycle under a warming climate.
Chang, Kai-Lan, Owen R. Cooper, Audrey Gaudel, Irina Petropavlovskikh, Peter Effertz, Gary Morris and Brian C. Mcdonald, (2024), Technical Note: Challenges In Detecting Free Tropospheric Ozone Trends In A Sparsely Sampled Environment, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 24, 10, 6197-6218, 10.5194/acp-24-6197-2024


High-quality long-term observational records are essential to ensure appropriate and reliable trend detection of tropospheric ozone. However, the necessity of maintaining high sampling frequency, in addition to continuity, is often under-appreciated. A common assumption is that, so long as long-term records (e.g., a span of a few decades) are available, (1) the estimated trends are accurate and precise, and (2) the impact of small-scale variability (e.g., weather) can be eliminated. In this study, we show that the undercoverage bias (e.g., a type of sampling error resulting from statistical inference based on sparse or insufficient samples, such as once-per-week sampling frequency) can persistently reduce the trend accuracy of free tropospheric ozone, even if multi-decadal time series are considered. We use over 40 years of nighttime ozone observations measured at Mauna Loa, Hawaii (representative of the lower free troposphere), to make this demonstration and quantify the bias in monthly means and trends under different sampling strategies. We also show that short-term meteorological variability remains a cause of an inflated long-term trend uncertainty. To improve the trend precision and accuracy due to sampling bias, two remedies are proposed: (1) a data variability attribution of colocated meteorological influence can efficiently reduce estimation uncertainty and moderately reduce the impact of sparse sampling, and (2) an adaptive sampling strategy based on anomaly detection enables us to greatly reduce the sampling bias and produce more accurate trends using fewer samples compared to an intense regular sampling strategy.
Chen, Hui, Wei He, Jinxiu Liu, Ngoc Tu Nguyen, Frederic Chevallier, Hua Yang, Yiming Lv, Chengcheng Huang, Christian Roedenbeck, Scot M. Miller, Fei Jiang, Junjie Liu, Matthew S. Johnson, Sajeev Philip, Zhiqiang Liu, Ning Zeng, Sourish Basu and David F. Baker, (2024), Satellite-detected Large CO2 Release In Southwestern North America During The 2020-2021 Drought And Associated Wildfires, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 19, 5, 10.1088/1748-9326/ad3cf7


Southwestern North America (SWNA) continuously experienced megadroughts and large wildfires in 2020 and 2021. Here, we quantified their impact on the terrestrial carbon budget using net biome production (NBP) estimates from an ensemble of atmospheric inversions assimilating in-situ CO2 and Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) satellite XCO2 retrievals (OCO-2 v10 MIP Extension), two satellite-based gross primary production (GPP) datasets, and two fire CO2 emission datasets. We found that the 2020-2021 drought and associated wildfires in SWNA led to a large CO2 loss, an ensemble mean of 95.07 TgC estimated by the satellite inversions using both nadir and glint XCO2 retrievals (LNLG) within the OCO-2 v10 MIP, greater than 80\% of SWNA s annual total carbon sink. Moreover, the carbon loss in 2020 was mainly contributed by fire emissions while in 2021 mainly contributed by drought impacts on terrestrial carbon uptake. In addition, the satellite inversions indicated the huge carbon loss was mainly contributed by fire emissions from forests and grasslands along with carbon uptake reductions due to drought impacts on grasslands and shrublands. This study provides a process understanding of how some droughts and following wildfires affect the terrestrial carbon budget on a regional scale.
East, James D., Daniel J. Jacob, Nicholas Balasus, A. Anthony Bloom, Lori Bruhwiler, Zichong Chen, Jed O. Kaplan, Loretta J. Mickley, Todd A. Mooring, Elise Penn, Benjamin Poulter, Melissa P. Sulprizio, John R. Worden, Robert M. Yantosca and Zhen Zhang, (2024), Interpreting The Seasonality Of Atmospheric Methane, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 51, 10, 10.1029/2024GL108494


Surface and satellite observations of atmospheric methane show smooth seasonal behavior in the Southern Hemisphere driven by loss from the hydroxyl (OH) radical. However, observations in the Northern Hemisphere show a sharp mid-summer increase that is asymmetric with the Southern Hemisphere and not captured by the default configuration of the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model. Using an ensemble of 22 OH model estimates and 24 wetland emission inventories in GEOS-Chem, we show that the magnitude, latitudinal distribution, and seasonality of Northern Hemisphere wetland emissions are critical for reproducing the observed seasonality of methane in that hemisphere, with the interhemispheric OH ratio playing a lesser role. Reproducing the observed seasonality requires a wetland emission inventory with similar to 80 Tg a-1 poleward of 10 degrees N including significant emissions in South Asia, and an August peak in boreal emissions persisting into autumn. In our 24-member wetland emission ensemble, only the LPJ-wsl MERRA-2 inventory has these attributes. The amount of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, has been growing in Earth s atmosphere during the last decade, and scientists disagree about which methane sources and sinks are responsible for the growth. One clue into understanding methane s sources and sinks is their seasonality-their month-to-month cycles that happen every year. Measurements of atmospheric methane taken at the Earth s surface and using satellite instruments show a steep increase each summer in the Northern Hemisphere that is not replicated when methane is simulated in a global chemical transport model, indicating missing information about source and sink seasonalities. To investigate, we use that model to simulate 24 representations of methane s largest source, emissions from wetlands, and 22 representations of its largest sink, chemical loss by the hydroxyl radical (OH). We find that OH is unlikely to cause the summer increase and model bias, but the amount, spatial distribution, and seasonal cycles of global wetland emissions are the strongest drivers. We suggest that these characteristics are linked to the underlying mechanisms determining wetland area and methane production in wetland models. The results unveil the role of global wetlands in driving methane s seasonality and inform research to analyze methane s long-term trends. Northern Hemisphere atmospheric methane shows a summer increase not replicated by the GEOS-Chem model with its default sources and sinks The summer increase s timing and magnitude is determined by the magnitude, seasonality, and spatial distribution of NH wetland emissions Inversions of atmospheric methane observations should use a suitable wetland emission inventory and optimize hemispheric OH concentrations
Forster, Piers M., Chris Smith, Tristram Walsh, William F. Lamb, Robin Lamboll, Bradley Hall, Mathias Hauser, Aurelien Ribes, Debbie Rosen, Nathan P. Gillett, Matthew D. Palmer, Joeri Rogelj, Karina von Schuckmann, Blair Trewin, Myles Allen, Robbie Andrew, Richard A. Betts, Alex Borger, Tim Boyer, Jiddu A. Broersma, Carlo Buontempo, Samantha Burgess, Chiara Cagnazzo, Lijing Cheng, Pierre Friedlingstein, Andrew Gettelman, Johannes Guetschow, Masayoshi Ishii, Stuart Jenkins, Xin Lan, Colin Morice, Jens Muhle, Christopher Kadow, John Kennedy, Rachel E. Killick, Paul B. Krummel, Jan C. Minx, Gunnar Myhre, Vaishali Naik, Glen P. Peters, Anna Pirani, Julia Pongratz, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, Sonia Seneviratne, Sophie Szopa, Peter Thorne, Mahesh V. M. Kovilakam, Elisa Majamaki, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen, Margreet van Marle, Rachel M. Hoesly, Robert Rohde, Dominik Schumacher, Guido van der Werf, Russell Vose, Kirsten Zickfeld, Xuebin Zhang, Valerie Masson-Delmotte and Panmao Zhai, (2024), Indicators Of Global Climate Change 2023: Annual Update Of Key Indicators Of The State Of The Climate System And Human Influence, EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA, 16, 6, 2625-2658, 10.5194/essd-16-2625-2024


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments are the trusted source of scientific evidence for climate negotiations taking place under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Evidence-based decision-making needs to be informed by up-to-date and timely information on key indicators of the state of the climate system and of the human influence on the global climate system. However, successive IPCC reports are published at intervals of 5-10 years, creating potential for an information gap between report cycles. We follow methods as close as possible to those used in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) Working Group One (WGI) report. We compile monitoring datasets to produce estimates for key climate indicators related to forcing of the climate system: emissions of greenhouse gases and short-lived climate forcers, greenhouse gas concentrations, radiative forcing, the Earth s energy imbalance, surface temperature changes, warming attributed to human activities, the remaining carbon budget, and estimates of global temperature extremes. The purpose of this effort, grounded in an open-data, open-science approach, is to make annually updated reliable global climate indicators available in the public domain (10.5281/zenodo.11388387, Smith et al., 2024a). As they are traceable to IPCC report methods, they can be trusted by all parties involved in UNFCCC negotiations and help convey wider understanding of the latest knowledge of the climate system and its direction of travel. The indicators show that, for the 2014-2023 decade average, observed warming was 1.19 [1.06 to 1.30] degrees C, of which 1.19 [1.0 to 1.4] degrees C was human-induced. For the single-year average, human-induced warming reached 1.31 [1.1 to 1.7] degrees C in 2023 relative to 1850-1900. The best estimate is below the 2023-observed warming record of 1.43 [1.32 to 1.53] degrees C, indicating a substantial contribution of internal variability in the 2023 record. Human-induced warming has been increasing at a rate that is unprecedented in the instrumental record, reaching 0.26 [0.2-0.4] degrees C per decade over 2014-2023. This high rate of warming is caused by a combination of net greenhouse gas emissions being at a persistent high of 53 +/- 5.4 Gt CO(2)e yr(-1) over the last decade, as well as reductions in the strength of aerosol cooling. Despite this, there is evidence that the rate of increase in CO(2 )emissions over the last decade has slowed compared to the 2000s, and depending on societal choices, a continued series of these annual updates over the critical 2020s decade could track a change of direction for some of the indicators presented here.
Gaeta, Dylan C., Jens Muhle, Isaac J. Vimont, Molly Crotwell, Lei Hu, John B. Miller, Kathryn Mckain, Bianca C. Baier, Mingyang Zhang, Jianing Bao, Benjamin R. Miller and Scot M. Miller, (2024), California Dominates US Emissions Of The Pesticide And Potent Greenhouse Gas Sulfuryl Fluoride, COMMUNICATIONS EARTH \& ENVIRONMENT, 5, 1, 10.1038/s43247-024-01294-x


Sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2) is a synthetic pesticide and a potent greenhouse gas that is accumulating in the global atmosphere. Rising emissions are a concern since SO2F2 has a relatively long atmospheric lifetime and a high global warming potential. The U.S. is thought to contribute substantially to global SO2F2 emissions, but there is a paucity of information on how emissions of SO2F2 are distributed across the U.S., and there is currently no inventory of SO2F2 emissions for the U.S. or individual states. Here we provide an atmospheric measurement-based estimate of U.S. SO2F2 emissions using high-precision SO2F2 measurements from the NOAA Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network (GGGRN) and a geostatistical inverse model. We find that California has the largest SO2F2 emissions among all U.S. states, with the highest emissions from southern coastal California (Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego counties). Outside of California, only very small and infrequent SO2F2 emissions are detected by our analysis of GGGRN data. We find that California emits 60-85\% of U.S. SO2F2 emissions, at a rate of 0.26 ( +/- 0.10) Gg yr-1. We estimate that emissions of SO2F2 from California are equal to 5.5-12\% of global SO2F2 emissions. Despite stringent efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, California is the largest emitter of sulfuryl fluoride in the USA, according to atmospheric measurements and an inverse model.
Gaubert, Benjamin, Jeffrey L. Anderson, Michael Trudeau, Nadia Smith, Kathryn McKain, Gabrielle Petron, Kevin Raeder, Avelino F. Arellano Jr, Claire Granier, Louisa K. Emmons, Ivan Ortega, James W. Hannigan, Wenfu Tang, Helen M. Worden, Daniel Ziskin and David P. Edwards, (2024), Nonlinear And Non-Gaussian Ensemble Assimilation Of MOPITT CO, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 129, 12, 10.1029/2023JD040647


Satellite retrievals of carbon monoxide (CO) are routinely assimilated in atmospheric chemistry models to improve air quality forecasts, produce reanalyzes and to estimate emissions. This study applies the quantile-conserving ensemble filter framework, a novel assimilation algorithm that can deal with non-Gaussian and modestly nonlinear distributions. Instead of assuming normal distributions like the Ensemble Adjustments Kalman Filter (EAKF), we now apply a bounded normal rank histogram (BNRH) distribution for the prior. The goal is to efficiently estimate bounded quantities such as CO atmospheric mixing ratios and emission fluxes while maintaining the good performance achieved by the EAKF. We contrast assimilating meteorological and MOPITT (Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere) observations for May 2018. We evaluate the results with the fourth deployment of the NASA Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom-4) airborne field campaign. We also compare simulations with CO tropospheric columns from the network for the detection of atmospheric composition change and surface in-situ observations from NOAA carbon cycle greenhouse gases. While the differences remain small, the BNRH approach clearly works better than the EAKF in comparison to all observation data sets. The MOPITT instrument on the NASA/Terra satellite can detect carbon monoxide (CO) pollution in the lower and mid-tropospheric atmosphere but cannot accurately differentiate small changes in the altitude of pollution plumes. Such satellite observations are assimilated in numerical model predictions to improve the spatial and temporal distribution of CO in the atmosphere and to estimate emission fluxes. We present a novel method that does not require assumptions about the model and the observations, leading to a more efficient and accurate assimilation of the satellite observations. A novel non Gaussian and nonlinear ensemble data assimilation (DA) framework is applied to MOPITT joint state/flux optimization The new method performs better than the Ensemble Adjustment Kalman Filter in comparison to independent observations MOPITT observations indicate that CAMS-GLOB-ANT\_v5.3 emission fluxes are underestimated across the mid-latitudes in May 2018
Ghysels, Melanie, Georges Durry, Nadir Amarouche, Dale Hurst, Emrys Hall, Kensy Xiong, Jean-Charles Dupont, Jean-Christophe Samake, Fabien Frerot, Raghed Bejjani and Emmanuel D. Riviere, (2024), Pico-Light H2O: Intercomparison Of In Situ Water Vapour Measurements During The AsA 2022 Campaign, ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, 17, 11, 3495-3513, 10.5194/amt-17-3495-2024


The mid-infrared lightweight tunable diode laser hygrometer, Pico-Light H2O , the successor to Pico-SDLA H2O, is presented and its performances are evaluated during the AsA 2022 balloon-borne intercomparison campaign conducted at the CNES Aire-sur-l Adour (AsA, 43.70 degrees N; 0.25 degrees W) balloon launch facility and the Aeroclub d Aire-sur-l Adour in France. The Pico-Light instrument has primarily been developed for sounding of the upper troposphere and stratosphere, although during the AsA 2022 campaign we expand the range of comparison to include additionally the lower troposphere. Three different types of hygrometer and two models of radiosonde were flown, operated by the French Space Agency (CNES) and the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory (GML) scientific teams: Pico-Light H2O, the NOAA Frost Point Hygrometer (FPH), the micro-hygrometer (in an early phase of development), and M20 and iMet-4 sondes. Within this framework, we intend to validate measurements of Pico-Light H2O through a first intercomparison with the NOAA FPH instrument. The in situ monitoring of water vapour in the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere continues to be very challenging from an instrumental point of view because of the very small amounts of water vapour to be measured in these regions of the atmosphere. Between the lapse rate tropopause (11-12.3 km) and 20 km, the mean relative difference between water vapour mixing ratio measurements by Pico-Light H2O and NOAA FPH was 4.2 \% +/- 7.7 \%, and the mean tropospheric difference was 3.84 \% +/- 23.64 \%, with differences depending on the altitude range considered. In the troposphere, relative humidity (RH) over water comparisons led to agreement between Pico-Light and NOAA FPH of - 0.2 \% on average, with excursions of about 30 \% RH due to moisture variability. Expanding the comparison to meteorological sondes, the iMet-4 sondes agree well with both Pico-Light and FPH between the ground and 7.5 km (within +/- 3 \% RH), as do the M20 sondes, up to 13 km, which are wet-biased by 3 \% RH and dry-biased by 20 \% in cases of saturation.
Ginnane, Catherine E., Jocelyn C. Turnbull, Sebastian Naeher, Brad E. Rosenheim, Ryan A. Venturelli, Andy M. Phillips, Simon Reeve, Jeremy Parry-Thompson, Albert Zondervan, Richard H. Levy, Kyu-Cheul Yoo, Gavin Dunbar, Theo Calkin, Carlota Escutia and Julia Gutierrez Pastor, (2024), ADVANCING ANTARCTIC SEDIMENT CHRONOLOGY THROUGH COMBINED RAMPED PYROLYSIS OXIDATION AND PYROLYSIS-GC-MS, RADIOCARBON, 10.1017/RDC.2023.116


Radiocarbon (14C) dating of sediment deposition around Antarctica is often challenging due to heterogeneity in sources and ages of organic carbon in the sediment. Chemical and thermochemical techniques have been used to separate organic carbon when microfossils are not present. These techniques generally improve on bulk sediment dates, but they necessitate assumptions about the age spectra of specific molecules or compound classes and about the chemical heterogeneity of thermochemical separations. To address this, the Rafter Radiocarbon Laboratory has established parallel ramped pyrolysis oxidation (RPO) and ramped pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) systems to thermochemically separate distinct carbon fractions, diagnose the chemical composition of each fraction, and target suitable RPO fractions for radiocarbon dating. Three case studies of sediment taken from locations around Antarctica are presented to demonstrate the implementation of combined RPO-AMS and Py-GC-MS to provide more robust age determination in detrital sediment stratigraphy. These three depositional environments are good examples of analytical and interpretive challenges related to oceanographic conditions, carbon sources, and other factors. Using parallel RPO-AMS and Py-GC-MS analyses, we reduce the number of radiocarbon measurements required, minimize run times, provide context for unexpected 14C ages, and better support interpretations of radiocarbon measurements in the context of environmental reconstruction.
Gueymard, Christian A., Carlos F. M. Coimbra, Aron Habte, Joseph Michalsky, Richard Perez, Josh Peterson, Dave Renne, Laura Riihimaki, Thomas Stoffel and Dazhi Yang, (2024), In Memoriam: Dr. Frank E. Vignola (1945-2023), SOLAR ENERGY, 267, 10.1016/j.solener.2023.112213
Janardanan, Rajesh, Shamil Maksyutov, Fenjuan Wang, Lorna Nayagam, Saroj Kumar Sahu, Poonam Mangaraj, Marielle Saunois, Xin Lan and Tsuneo Matsunaga, (2024), Country-level Methane Emissions And Their Sectoral Trends During 2009-2020 Estimated By High-resolution Inversion Of GOSAT And Surface Observations, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 19, 3, 10.1088/1748-9326/ad2436


Considering the significant role of global methane emissions in the Earth s radiative budget, global or regionally persistent increasing trends in its emission are of great concern. Understanding the regional contributions of various emissions sectors to the growth rate thus has policy relevance. We used a high-resolution global methane inverse model to independently optimize sectoral emissions using GOSAT and ground-based observations for 2009-2020. Annual emission trends were calculated for top-emitting countries, and the sectoral contributions to the total anthropogenic trend were studied. Global total posterior emissions show a growth rate of 2.6 Tg yr(-2) (p < 0.05), with significant contributions from waste (1.1 Tg yr(-2)) and agriculture (0.9 Tg yr(-2)). Country-level aggregated sectoral emissions showed statistically significant (p < 0.1) trends in total posterior emissions for China (0.56 Tg yr(-2)), India (0.22 Tg yr(-2)), United States (0.65 Tg yr(-2)), Pakistan (0.22 Tg yr(-2)) and Indonesia (0.28 Tg yr(-2)) among the top methane emitters. Emission sectors contributing to the above country-level emission trend are, China (waste 0.35; oil and gas 0.07 Tg yr(-2)), India (agriculture 0.09; waste 0.11 Tg yr(-2)), United States (oil and gas 1.0; agriculture 0.07; coal -0.15 Tg yr(-2)), Brazil (waste 0.09; agriculture 0.08 Tg yr(-2)), Russia (waste 0.04; biomass burning 0.15; coal 0.11; oil and gas -0.42 Tg yr(-2)), Indonesia (coal 0.28 Tg yr(-2)), Canada (oil and gas 0.08 Tg yr(-2)), Pakistan (agriculture 0.15; waste 0.03 Tg yr(-2)) and Mexico (waste 0.04 Tg yr(-2)). Additionally, our analysis showed that methane emissions from wetlands in Russia (0.24 Tg yr(-2)) and central African countries such as Congo (0.09 Tg yr(-2)), etc. have a positive trend with a considerably large increase after 2017, whereas Bolivia (-0.09 Tg yr(-2)) have a declining trend. Our results reveal some key emission sectors to be targeted on a national level for designing methane emission mitigation efforts.
Jansen, Marcel A. K., Anthony L. Andrady, Janet F. Bornman, Pieter J. Aucamp, Alkiviadis F. Bais, Anastazia T. Banaszak, Paul W. Barnes, Germar H. Bernhard, Laura S. Bruckman, Rosa Busquets, Donat-P. Haeder, Mark L. Hanson, Anu M. Heikkila, Samuel Hylander, Robyn M. Lucas, Roy Mackenzie, Sasha Madronich, Patrick J. Neale, Rachel E. Neale, Catherine M. Olsen, Rachele Ossola, Krishna K. Pandey, Irina Petropavlovskikh, Laura E. Revell, Sharon A. Robinson, T. Matthew Robson, Kevin C. Rose, Keith R. Solomon, Mads P. Sulbaek Andersen, Barbara Sulzberger, Timothy J. Wallington, Qing-Wei Wang, Sten-Ake Waengberg, Christopher C. White, Antony R. Young, Richard G. Zepp and Liping Zhu, (2024), Plastics In The Environment In The Context Of UV Radiation, Climate Change And The Montreal Protocol: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, Update 2023, PHOTOCHEMICAL \& PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 23, 4, 629-650, 10.1007/s43630-024-00552-3


This Assessment Update by the Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (EEAP) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) considers the interactive effects of solar UV radiation, global warming, and other weathering factors on plastics. The Assessment illustrates the significance of solar UV radiation in decreasing the durability of plastic materials, degradation of plastic debris, formation of micro- and nanoplastic particles and accompanying leaching of potential toxic compounds. Micro- and nanoplastics have been found in all ecosystems, the atmosphere, and in humans. While the potential biological risks are not yet well-established, the widespread and increasing occurrence of plastic pollution is reason for continuing research and monitoring. Plastic debris persists after its intended life in soils, water bodies and the atmosphere as well as in living organisms. To counteract accumulation of plastics in the environment, the lifetime of novel plastics or plastic alternatives should better match the functional life of products, with eventual breakdown releasing harmless substances to the environment.
Jansen, Marcel A. K., Anthony L. Andrady, Paul W. Barnes, Rosa Busquets, Laura E. Revell, Janet F. Bornman, Pieter J. Aucamp, Alkiviadis F. Bais, Anastazia T. Banaszak, Germar H. Bernhard, Laura S. Bruckman, Donat-P. Haeder, Mark L. Hanson, Anu M. Heikkila, Samuel Hylander, Robyn M. Lucas, Roy Mackenzie, Sasha Madronich, Patrick J. Neale, Rachel E. Neale, Catherine M. Olsen, Rachele Ossola, Krishna K. Pandey, Irina Petropavlovskikh, Sharon A. Robinson, T. Matthew Robson, Kevin C. Rose, Keith R. Solomon, Mads P. Sulbaek Andersen, Barbara Sulzberger, Timothy J. Wallington, Qing-Wei Wang, Sten-Ake Wangberg, Christopher C. White, Antony R. Young, Richard G. Zepp and Liping Zhu, (2024), Environmental Plastics In The Context Of UV Radiation, Climate Change, And The Montreal Protocol, GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 30, 4, 10.1111/gcb.17279


There are close links between solar UV radiation, climate change, and plastic pollution. UV-driven weathering is a key process leading to the degradation of plastics in the environment but also the formation of potentially harmful plastic fragments such as micro- and nanoplastic particles. Estimates of the environmental persistence of plastic pollution, and the formation of fragments, will need to take in account plastic dispersal around the globe, as well as projected UV radiation levels and climate change factors.image
Lan, Xin and Edward J. Dlugokencky, (2024), Atmospheric Constraints On Changing Arctic CH4 Emissions, FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 12, 10.3389/fenvs.2024.1382621


Rapid warming in the Arctic has the potential to release vast reservoirs of carbon into the atmosphere as methane (CH4) resulting in a strong positive climate feedback. This raises the concern that, after a period of near-zero growth in atmospheric CH4 burden from 1999 to 2006, the increase since then may be in part related to increased Arctic emissions. Measurements of CH4 in background air samples provide useful, direct information to determine if Arctic CH4 emissions are increasing. One sensitive first-order indicator for large emission change is the Interpolar Difference, that is the difference in surface atmospheric annual means between polar northern and southern zones (53 degrees-90 degrees), which has varied interannually, but did not increase from 1992 to 2019. The Interpolar Difference has increased moderately during 2020-2022 when the global CH4 burden increased significantly, but not yet to its peak values in the late-1980s. For quantitative assessment of changing Arctic CH4 emissions, the atmospheric measurements must be combined with an atmospheric tracer transport model. Based on multiple studies including some using CH4 isotopes, it is clear that most of the increase in global atmospheric CH4 burden is driven by increased emissions from microbial sources in the tropics, and that Arctic emissions have not increased significantly since the beginning of our measurement record in 1983 through 2022.
Laughner, Joshua L., Geoffrey C. Toon, Joseph Mendonca, Christof Petri, Sebastien Roche, Debra Wunch, Jean-Francois Blavier, David W. T. Griffith, Pauli Heikkinen, Ralph F. Keeling, Matthaus Kiel, Rigel Kivi, Coleen M. Roehl, Britton B. Stephens, Bianca C. Baier, Huilin Chen, Yonghoon Choi, Nicholas M. Deutscher, Joshua P. DiGangi, Jochen Gross, Benedikt Herkommer, Pascal Jeseck, Thomas Laemmel, Xin Lan, Erin McGee, Kathryn McKain, John Miller, Isamu Morino, Justus Notholt, Hirofumi Ohyama, David F. Pollard, Markus Rettinger, Haris Riris, Constantina Rousogenous, Mahesh Kumar Sha, Kei Shiomi, Kimberly Strong, Ralf Sussmann, Yao Te, Voltaire A. Velazco, Steven C. Wofsy, Minqiang Zhou and Paul O. Wennberg, (2024), The Total Carbon Column Observing Network S GGG2020 Data Version, EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA, 16, 5, 2197-2260, 10.5194/essd-16-2197-2024


The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) measures column-average mole fractions of several greenhouse gases (GHGs), beginning in 2004, from over 30 current or past measurement sites around the world using solar absorption spectroscopy in the near-infrared (near-IR) region. TCCON GHG data have been used extensively for multiple purposes, including in studies of the carbon cycle and anthropogenic emissions, as well as to validate and improve observations from space-based sensors. Here, we describe an update to the retrieval algorithm used to process the TCCON near-IR solar spectra and to generate the associated data products. This version, called GGG2020, was initially released in April 2022. It includes updates and improvements to all steps of the retrieval, including but not limited to the conversion of the original interferograms into spectra, the spectroscopic information used in the column retrieval, post hoc air mass dependence correction, and scaling to align with the calibration scales of in situ GHG measurements. All TCCON data are available through (last access: 22 April 2024) and are hosted on CaltechDATA (, last access: 22 April 2024). Each TCCON site has a unique DOI for its data record. An archive of all the sites data is also available with the DOI 10.14291/TCCON.GGG2020 . The hosted files are updated approximately monthly, and TCCON sites are required to deliver data to the archive no later than 1 year after acquisition. Full details of data locations are provided in the Code and data availability section.
Lichtig, Pablo, Benjamin Gaubert, Louisa K. Emmons, Duseong S. Jo, Patrick Callaghan, Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa, Laura Dawidowski, Guy P. Brasseur and Gabriele Pfister, (2024), Multiscale CO Budget Estimates Across South America: Quantifying Local Sources And Long Range Transport, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 129, 8, 10.1029/2023JD040434


South America is a large continent situated mostly in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) with complex topography and diverse emissions sources. However, the atmospheric chemistry of this region has been historically understudied. Here, we employ the Multi-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols, a novel global circulation model with regional refinement capabilities and full chemistry, to explore the sources and distribution of the carbon monoxide (CO) tropospheric column in South America during 2019, and also to assess the effect that South American primary emissions have over the rest of the world. Most of the CO over South America can be explained either by non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) secondary chemical production or by biomass burning emissions, with biomass burning as the main explanation for the variability in CO. Biomass burning in Central Africa is a relevant contributor to CO in all of the continent, including the southern tip. Biogenic emissions play a dual role in CO concentrations: they provide volatile organic compounds that contribute to the secondary CO production, but they also destroy OH, which limits the chemical production and destruction of CO. As a net effect, the lifetime of CO is extended to similar to 120 days on average over the Amazon, while still being in the range of 30-60 days in the rest of South America. We use the Multi-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols, a global model with regional refinement, to study the origins of carbon monoxide (CO) in South America during 2019. The main sources of CO are the secondary production from non-volatile organic compounds and the biomass burning primary emissions. The main source of temporal variability in the whole are the biomass burning emissions. We show that biomass burning in central Africa is a relevant source of South American CO during all year in all of the continent, including the furthermost south. We employ the Multi-Scale infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols to quantify the budget of CO in South America during 2019 Most of the variability in the CO burden is explained by the variability in biomass burning emissions Biomass burning in Central Africa is a relevant contributor to CO in all of the continent, including the southern region
Liu, Wanyu, Zhenchuan Niu, Xue Feng, Weijian Zhou, Dan Liang, Mengni Lyu, Guowei Wang, Xuefeng Lu, Lin Liu and Jocelyn C. Turnbull, (2024), Atmospheric CO2 And 14CO2 Observations At The Northern Foot Of The Qinling Mountains In China: Temporal Characteristics And Source Quantification, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 920, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170682


A two-year (March 2021 to February 2023) continuous atmospheric CO2 and a one-year regular atmospheric (CO2)-C-14 measurement records were measured at the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains in Xi an, China, aiming to study the temporal characteristics of atmospheric CO2 and the contributions from the sources of fossil fuel CO2 (CO2ff) and biological CO2 (CO2bio) fluxes. The two-year mean CO2 mole fraction was 442.2 +/- 16.3 ppm, with a yearly increase of 4.7 ppm (i.e., 1.1 \%) during the two-year observations. Seasonal CO2 mole fractions were the highest in winter (452.1 +/- 17.7 ppm) and the lowest in summer (433.5 +/- 13.3 ppm), with the monthly CO2 levels peaking in January and troughing in June. Diurnal CO2 levels peaked at dawn (05:00-07:00) in spring, summer and autumn, and at 10:00 in winter. C-14 analysis revealed that the excess CO2 (CO2ex, atmospheric CO2 minus background CO2) at this site was mainly from CO2ff emissions (67.0 +/- 26.8 \%), and CO2ff mole fractions were the highest in winter (20.6 +/- 17.7 ppm). Local CO enhancement above the background mole fraction (Delta CO) was
Madronich, S., G. H. Bernhard, P. J. Neale, A. Heikkilae, M. P. Sulbaek Andersen, A. L. Andrady, P. J. Aucamp, A. F. Bais, A. T. Banaszak, P. J. Barnes, J. F. Bornman, L. S. Bruckman, R. Busquets, G. Chiodo, D. -P. Haeder, M. L. Hanson, S. Hylander, M. A. K. Jansen, G. Lingham, R. M. Lucas, R. Mackenzie Calderon, C. Olsen, R. Ossola, K. K. Pandey, I. Petropavlovskikh, L. E. Revell, L. E. Rhodes, S. A. Robinson, T. M. Robson, K. C. Rose, T. Schikowski, K. R. Solomon, B. Sulzberger, T. J. Wallington, Q. -W. Wang, S. -A. Wangberg, C. C. White, S. R. Wilson, L. Zhu and R. E. Neale, (2024), Continuing Benefits Of The Montreal Protocol And Protection Of The Stratospheric Ozone Layer For Human Health And The Environment, PHOTOCHEMICAL \& PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 23, 6, 1087-1115, 10.1007/s43630-024-00577-8


The protection of Earth s stratospheric ozone (O3) is an ongoing process under the auspices of the universally ratified Montreal Protocol and its Amendments and adjustments. A critical part of this process is the assessment of the environmental issues related to changes in O3. The United Nations Environment Programme s Environmental Effects Assessment Panel provides annual scientific evaluations of some of the key issues arising in the recent collective knowledge base. This current update includes a comprehensive assessment of the incidence rates of skin cancer, cataract and other skin and eye diseases observed worldwide; the effects of UV radiation on tropospheric oxidants, and air and water quality; trends in breakdown products of fluorinated chemicals and recent information of their toxicity; and recent technological innovations of building materials for greater resistance to UV radiation. These issues span a wide range of topics, including both harmful and beneficial effects of exposure to UV radiation, and complex interactions with climate change. While the Montreal Protocol has succeeded in preventing large reductions in stratospheric O3, future changes may occur due to a number of natural and anthropogenic factors. Thus, frequent assessments of potential environmental impacts are essential to ensure that policies remain based on the best available scientific knowledge.
Malm, William C., Bret A. Schichtel, Anthony J. Prenni, Derek Day, Elisabeth Andrews, Russel Perkins, Amy Sullivan and Mark Tigges, (2024), Revisiting Integrating Nephelometer Measurements, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 319, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.120237


Integrating nephelometers are designed to measure the scattering coefficient, b(sp), of an aerosol introduced into its sampling chamber. They have been and are used extensively in laboratory studies and short-term intensive aerosol characterization studies to validate and improve optical aerosol models. They are used to measure long-term temporal and spatial trends of the particle scattering coefficient, and to measure trends in the scattering enhancement factor, f(RH). The National Park Service (NPS) has operated Optec NGN nephelometers with an open sampling chamber, referred to as NGN(ambient), designed to measure total (coarse plus fine) particle scattering at near ambient relative humidity (RH). However, the NGN is no longer manufactured and will be replaced with Ambilabs 2WIN nephelometers. An intercomparison study was initiated to compare the NGN(ambient), an enclosed heated NGN, two 2WIN
Michalsky, Joseph and Glen Mcconville, (2024), Ozone And Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals Using The Ultraviolet Multi-filter Rotating Shadow-band Radiometer, ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, 17, 3, 1017-1022, 10.5194/amt-17-1017-2024


The ultraviolet multi-filter rotating shadow-band radiometer (UV-MFRSR) is a seven-channel radiometer with narrowband filters centered between wavelengths 300 and 368 nm. Four of the middle wavelengths in this device are near those used in the Dobson spectrometer to retrieve ozone column abundance. In this paper measurements from Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO) were used first to calibrate the instrument using the Langley plot method and subsequently to derive column ozone and aerosol optical depths. The ozone derived from the UV-MFRSR was compared to the ozone measured by a Dobson spectrophotometer that operates daily at the MLO, resulting in column values within about 1 DU on average for 43 d in 2018. The aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrievals are more challenging. Generally, the AOD increases with wavelength between 305 and 332 nm, not what is expected given the typical AOD wavelength dependence at visible wavelengths. An example of this behavior is discussed, and research by others is cited that indicates similar behavior at these wavelengths, at least for the low-aerosol-optical-depth conditions encountered at high-altitude sites.
Paulot, Fabien, Gabrielle Petron, Andrew M. Crotwell and Matteo B. Bertagni, (2024), Reanalysis Of NOAA H2 Observations: Implications For The H2 Budget, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 24, 7, 4217-4229, 10.5194/acp-24-4217-2024


Hydrogen (H-2) is a promising low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels for many applications. However, significant gaps in our understanding of the atmospheric H-2 budget limit our ability to predict the impacts of greater H-2 usage. Here we use NOAA H-2 dry air mole fraction observations from air samples collected from ground-based and ship platforms during 2010-2019 to evaluate the representation of H-2 in the NOAA GFDL-AM4.1 atmospheric chemistry-climate model. We find that the base model configuration captures the observed interhemispheric gradient well but underestimates the surface concentration of H-2 by about 10 ppb. Additionally, the model fails to reproduce the 1-2 ppb yr(-1) mean increase in surface H-2 observed at background stations. We show that the cause is most likely an underestimation of current anthropogenic emissions, including potential leakages from H-2-producing facilities. We also show that changes in soil moisture, soil temperature, and snow cover have most likely caused an increase in the magnitude of the soil sink, the most important removal mechanism for atmospheric H-2, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. However, there remains uncertainty due to fundamental gaps in our understanding of H-2 soil removal, such as the minimum moisture required for H-2 soil uptake, for which we performed extensive sensitivity analyses. Finally, we show that the observed meridional gradient of the H-2 mixing ratio and its seasonality can provide important constraints to test and refine parameterizations of the H-2 soil sink.
Riihimaki, Laura D., Meghan F. Cronin, Raja Acharya, Nathan Anderson, John A. Augustine, Kelly A. Balmes, Patrick Berk, Roberto Bozzano, Anthony Bucholtz, Kenneth J. Connell, Christopher J. Cox, Alcide G. di Sarra, James Edson, C. W. Fairall, J. Thomas Farrar, Karen Grissom, Maria Teresa Guerra, Verena Hormann, K. Jossia Joseph, Christian Lanconelli, Frederic Melin, Daniela Meloni, Matteo Ottaviani, Sara Pensieri, K. Ramesh, David Rutan, Nikiforos Samarinas, Shawn R. Smith, Sebastiaan Swart, Amit Tandon, Elizabeth J. Thompson, R. Venkatesan, Raj Kumar Verma, Vito Vitale, Katie S. Watkins-Brandt, Robert A. Weller, Christopher J. Zappa and Dongxiao Zhang, (2024), Ocean Surface Radiation Measurement Best Practices, FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 11, 10.3389/fmars.2024.1359149


Ocean surface radiation measurement best practices have been developed as a first step to support the interoperability of radiation measurements across multiple ocean platforms and between land and ocean networks. This document describes the consensus by a working group of radiation measurement experts from land, ocean, and aircraft communities. The scope was limited to broadband shortwave (solar) and longwave (terrestrial infrared) surface irradiance measurements for quantification of the surface radiation budget. Best practices for spectral measurements for biological purposes like photosynthetically active radiation and ocean color are only mentioned briefly to motivate future interactions between the physical surface flux and biological radiation measurement communities. Topics discussed in these best practices include instrument selection, handling of sensors and installation, data quality monitoring, data processing, and calibration. It is recognized that platform and resource limitations may prohibit incorporating all best practices into all measurements and that spatial coverage is also an important motivator for expanding current networks. Thus, one of the key recommendations is to perform interoperability experiments that can help quantify the uncertainty of different practices and lay the groundwork for a multi-tiered global network with a mix of high-accuracy reference stations and lower-cost platforms and practices that can fill in spatial gaps.
Roozitalab, Behrooz, Louisa K. Emmons, Rebecca S. Hornbrook, Douglas E. Kinnison, Rafael P. Fernandez, Qinyi Li, Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, Ryan Hossaini, Carlos A. Cuevas, Alan J. Hills, Stephen A. Montzka, Donald R. Blake, William H. Brune, Patrick R. Veres and Eric C. Apel, (2024), Measurements And Modeling Of The Interhemispheric Differences Of Atmospheric Chlorinated Very Short-Lived Substances, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 129, 2, 10.1029/2023JD039518


Chlorinated very short-lived substances (Cl-VSLS) are ubiquitous in the troposphere and can contribute to the stratospheric chlorine budget. In this study, we present measurements of atmospheric dichloromethane (CH2Cl2), tetrachloroethene (C2Cl4), chloroform (CHCl3), and 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) obtained during the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) global-scale aircraft mission (2016-2018), and use the Community Earth System Model (CESM) updated with recent chlorine chemistry to further investigate their global tropospheric distribution. The measured global average Cl-VSLS mixing ratios, from 0.2 to 13 km altitude, were 46.6 ppt (CH2Cl2), 9.6 ppt (CHCl3), 7.8 ppt (1,2-DCA), and 0.84 ppt (C2Cl4) measured by the NSF NCAR Trace Organic Analyzer (TOGA) during ATom. Both measurements and model show distinct hemispheric gradients with the mean measured Northern to Southern Hemisphere (NH/SH) ratio of 2 or greater for all four Cl-VSLS. In addition, the TOGA profiles over the NH mid-latitudes showed general enhancements in the Pacific basin compared to the Atlantic basin, with up to similar to 18 ppt difference for CH2Cl2 in the mid troposphere. We tagged regional source emissions of CH2Cl2 and C2Cl4 in the model and found that Asian emissions dominate the global distributions of these species both at the surface (950 hPa) and at high altitudes (150 hPa). Overall, our results confirm relatively high mixing ratios of Cl-VSLS in the UTLS region and show that the CESM model does a reasonable job of simulating their global abundance but we also note the uncertainties with Cl-VSLS emissions and active chlorine sources in the model. These findings will be used to validate future emission inventories and to investigate the fast convective transport of Cl-VSLS to the UTLS region and their impact on stratospheric ozone. Plain Language Summary The Montreal Protocol has phased down the consumption and production of a large number of halogenated compounds such as CFCs, due to their potential for depleting stratospheric ozone. However, the consumption and production of a class of halogenated compounds, referred to as very short-lived substances (VSLS), is not controlled by the Montreal Protocol. Evidence is growing that globally increasing emissions of human-produced chlorinated VSLS (Cl-VSLS) could have an impact on stratospheric ozone. In this work, we present comprehensive aircraft measurements coupled to modeling of the major speciated Cl-VSLS that show their present day global distribution at altitudes up to 12 km and also show that Asian emissions are responsible for the majority of observed Cl-VSLS throughout the troposphere including the Southern Hemisphere.
Schuck, Tanja J., Johannes Degen, Eric Hintsa, Peter Hoor, Markus Jesswein, Timo Keber, Daniel Kunkel, Fred Moore, Florian Obersteiner, Matt Rigby, Thomas Wagenhaeuser, Luke M. Western, Andreas Zahn and Andreas Engel, (2024), The Interhemispheric Gradient Of SF 6 In The Upper Troposphere, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 24, 1, 689-705, 10.5194/acp-24-689-2024


Anthropogenic trace gases often exhibit interhemispheric gradients because of larger emissions in the Northern Hemisphere. Depending on a tracer s emission pattern and sink processes, trace gas observations can thus be used to investigate interhemispheric transport in the atmosphere. Vice versa, understanding interhemispheric transport is important for interpreting spatial tracer distributions and for inferring emissions. We combine several data sets from the upper troposphere (UT) to investigate the interhemispheric gradient of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) covering latitudes from similar to 80(degrees) N to similar to 60(degrees) S: canister sampling based measurements from the IAGOS-CARIBIC infrastructure and data from the in-flight gas chromatography instruments GhOST (Gas chromatograph for Observational Studies using Tracers) and UCATS (Unmanned aircraft systems Chromatograph for Atmospheric Trace Species). The interhemispheric gradient of SF6 in the UT is found to be weaker than near the surface. Using the concept of a lag time removes the increasing trend from the time series. At the most southern latitudes, a lag time of over 1 year with respect to the northern mid-latitude surface is derived, and lag times decrease over the period 2006-2020 in the extra-tropics and the southern tropics. Observations are compared to results from the two-dimensional Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE) 12-box model. Based on Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR 7) emissions, fair agreement of lag times is obtained for the Northern Hemisphere, but southern hemispheric air appears too old . This is consistent with earlier findings that transport from the northern extra-tropics into the tropics is too slow in many models. The influence of the emission scenario and the model transport scheme are evaluated in sensitivity runs. It is found that EDGAR 7 underestimates emissions of SF6 globally and in the Southern Hemisphere, whereas northern extra-tropical emissions seem overestimated. Faster southward transport from the northern extra-tropics would be needed in the model, but transport from the southern tropics into the southern extra-tropics appears too fast.
Schwartz, Stephen E., Quan Hua, David E. Andrews, Ralph F. Keeling, Scott J. Lehman, Jocelyn C. Turnbull, Paula J. Reimer, John B. Miller and Harro A. J. Meijer, (2024), DISCUSSION: PRESENTATION OF ATMOSPHERIC 14CO2 DATA, RADIOCARBON, 10.1017/RDC.2024.27


Observations of radiocarbon (C-14) in Earth s atmosphere and other carbon reservoirs are important to quantify exchanges of CO2 between reservoirs. The amount of C-14 is commonly reported in the so-called Delta notation, i.e., Delta C-14, the decay- and fractionation-corrected departure of the ratio of C-14 to total C from that ratio in an absolute international standard; this Delta notation permits direct comparison of C-14/C ratios in the several reservoirs. However, as Delta C-14 of atmospheric CO2, Delta(CO2)-C-14 is based on the ratio of (CO2)-C-14 to total atmospheric CO2, its value can and does change not just because of change in the amount of atmospheric (CO2)-C-14 but also because of change in the amount of total atmospheric CO2, complicating ascription of change in Delta(14)CO2 to change in one or the other quantity. Here we suggest that presentation of atmospheric (CO2)-C-14 amount as mole fraction relative to dry air (moles of (CO2)-C-14 per moles of dry air in Earth s atmosphere), or as moles or molecules of (CO2)-C-14 in Earth s atmosphere, all readily calculated from Delta(CO2)-C-14 and the amount of atmospheric CO2 (with slight dependence on delta(CO2)-C-13), complements presentation only as Delta(CO2)-C-14, and can provide valuable insight into the evolving budget and distribution of atmospheric (CO2)-C-14.
Sedlar, Joseph, Tilden Meyers, Christopher J. . Cox and Bianca Adler, (2024), Low-Level Liquid-Bearing Clouds Contribute To Seasonal Lower Atmosphere Stability And Surface Energy Forcing Over A High-Mountain Watershed Environment, JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, 25, 6, 827-845, 10.1175/JHM-D-23-0144.1


Measurements of atmospheric structure and surface energy budgets distributed along a high-altitude mountain watershed environment near Crested Butte, Colorado, from two separate, but coordinated, fi eld campaigns, Surface Atmosphere Integrated fi eld Laboratory (SAIL) and Study of Precipitation, the Lower Atmosphere, and Surface for Hydrometeorology (SPLASH), are analyzed. This study identi fi es similarities and differences in how clouds in fl uence the radiative budget over one snow-free summer season (2022) and two snow-covered seasons (2021/22; 2022/23) for this alpine location. A relationship between lower-tropospheric stability strati fi cation and longwave radiative fl ux from the presence or absence of clouds is identi fi ed. When low clouds persisted, often with signatures of supercooled liquid in winter, the lower troposphere experienced weaker stability, while radiatively clear skies that are less likely to be in fl uenced by liquid droplets were associated with appreciably stronger lower-tropospheric strati fi cation. Corresponding surface turbulent heat fl uxes partitioned differently based upon the cloud - stability strati fi cation regime derived from early morning radiosounding pro fi les. Combined with the differences in the radiative budget largely resulting from dramatic seasonal differences in surface albedo, the lower atmosphere strati fi cation, surface energy budget, and near-surface thermodynamics are shown to be modi fi ed by the effective longwave radiative forcing of clouds. The diurnal evolution of thermodynamics and surface energy components varied depending on the early morning strati fi cation state. Thus, the importance of quiescent versus synoptically active large-scale meteorology is hypothesized as a critical forcing for cloud properties and associated surface energy budget variations. The physical relationships between clouds, radiation, and strati fi cation can provide a useful suite of metrics for process understanding and to evaluate numerical models in such an undersampled, highly complex terrain environment.
Singh, Mohit, Yutaka Kondo, Sho Ohata, Tatsuhiro Mori, Naga Oshima, Antti Hyvarinen, John Backman, Eija Asmi, Henri Servomaa, Franz Martin Schnaiter, Elisabeth Andrews, Sangeeta Sharma, Kostas Eleftheriadis, Stergios Vratolis, Yongjing Zhao, Makoto Koike, Nobuhiro Moteki and P. R. Sinha, (2024), Mass Absorption Cross Section Of Black Carbon For Aethalometer In The Arctic, AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 58, 5, 536-553, 10.1080/02786826.2024.2316173


Long-term measurements of the mass concentration of black carbon (BC) in the atmosphere (MBC) with well-constrained accuracy are indispensable to quantify its emission, transport, and deposition. The aerosol light absorption coefficient (babs), usually measured by a filter-based absorption photometer, including an Aethalometer (AE), is often used to estimate MBC. The measured babs is converted to MBC by assuming a value for the mass absorption cross section (MAC). Previously, we derived the MAC for AE (MAC (AE)) from measured babs and independently measured MBC values at two sites in the Arctic. MBC was measured with a filter-based absorption photometer with a heated inlet (COSMOS). The accuracy of the COSMOS-derived MBC (MBC (COSMOS)) was within about 15\%. Here, we obtained additional MAC (AE) measurements to improve understanding of its variability and uncertainty. We measured babs (AE) and MBC (COSMOS) at Alert (2018-2020), Barrow (2012-2022), Ny-angstrom lesund (2012-2019), and Pallas (2019-2022). At Pallas, we also obtained four-wavelength photoacoustic aerosol absorption spectrometer (PAAS-4 lambda) measurements of babs. babs (AE) and MBC (COSMOS) were tightly correlated; the average MAC (AE) at the four sites was 11.4 +/- 1.2 m2 g-1 (mean +/- 1 sigma) at 590 nm and 7.76 +/- 0.73 m2 g-1 at 880 nm. The spatial variability of MAC (AE) was about 11\% (1 sigma), and its year-to-year variability was about 18\%. We compared MAC (AE) in the Arctic with values at mid-latitudes, measured by previous studies, and with values obtained by using other types of filter-based absorption photometer, and PAAS-4 lambda.Copyright (c) 2024 American Association for Aerosol Research
Tian, Hanqin, Naiqing Pan, Rona L. Thompson, Josep G. Canadell, Parvadha Suntharalingam, Pierre Regnier, Eric A. Davidson, Michael Prather, Philippe Ciais, Marilena Muntean, Shufen Pan, Wilfried Winiwarter, Soenke Zaehle, Feng Zhou, Robert B. Jackson, Hermann W. Bange, Sarah Berthet, Zihao Bian, Daniele Bianchi, Alexander F. Bouwman, Erik T. Buitenhuis, Geoffrey Dutton, Minpeng Hu, Akihiko Ito, Atul K. Jain, Aurich Jeltsch-Thommes, Fortunat Joos, Sian Kou-Giesbrecht, Paul B. Krummel, Xin Lan, Angela Landolfi, Ronny Lauerwald, Ya Li, Chaoqun Lu, Taylor Maavara, Manfredi Manizza, Dylan B. Millet, Jens Muehle, Prabir K. Patra, Glen P. Peters, Xiaoyu Qin, Peter Raymond, Laure Resplandy, Judith A. Rosentreter, Hao Shi, Qing Sun, Daniele Tonina, Francesco N. Tubiello, Guido R. van der Werf, Nicolas Vuichard, Junjie Wang, Kelley C. Wells, Luke M. Western, Chris Wilson, Jia Yang, Yuanzhi Yao, Yongfa You and Qing Zhu, (2024), Global Nitrous Oxide Budget (1980-2020), EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA, 16, 6, 2543-2604, 10.5194/essd-16-2543-2024


Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a long-lived potent greenhouse gas and stratospheric ozone-depleting substance that has been accumulating in the atmosphere since the preindustrial period. The mole fraction of atmospheric N2O has increased by nearly 25 \% from 270 ppb (parts per billion) in 1750 to 336 ppb in 2022, with the fastest annual growth rate since 1980 of more than 1.3 ppb yr(-1) in both 2020 and 2021. According to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR6), the relative contribution of N2O to the total enhanced effective radiative forcing of greenhouse gases was 6.4 \% for 1750-2022. As a core component of our global greenhouse gas assessments coordinated by the Global Carbon Project (GCP), our global N2O budget incorporates both natural and anthropogenic sources and sinks and accounts for the interactions between nitrogen additions and the biogeochemical processes that control N2O emissions. We use bottom-up (BU: inventory, statistical extrapolation of flux measurements, and process-based land and ocean modeling) and top-down (TD: atmospheric measurement-based inversion) approaches. We provide a comprehensive quantification of global N2O sources and sinks in 21 natural and anthropogenic categories in 18 regions between 1980 and 2020. We estimate that total annual anthropogenic N2O emissions have increased 40 \% (or 1.9 Tg N yr(-1)) in the past 4 decades (1980-2020). Direct agricultural emissions in 2020 (3.9 Tg N yr(-1), best estimate) represent the large majority of anthropogenic emissions, followed by other direct anthropogenic sources, including fossil fuel and industry, waste and wastewater, and biomass burning (2.1 Tg N yr(-1)), and indirect anthropogenic sources (1.3 Tg N yr(-1)) . For the year 2020, our best estimate of total BU emissions for natural and anthropogenic sources was 18.5 (lower-upper bounds: 10.6-27.0) Tg N yr(-1), close to our TD estimate of 17.0 (16.6-17.4) Tg N yr(-1). For the 2010-2019 period, the annual BU decadal-average emissions for both natural and anthropogenic sources were 18.2 (10.6-25.9) Tg N yr(-1) and TD emissions were 17.4 (15.8-19.20) Tg N yr(-1). The once top emitter Europe has reduced its emissions by 31 \% since the 1980s, while those of emerging economies have grown, making China the top emitter since the 2010s. The observed atmospheric N2O concentrations in recent years have exceeded projected levels under all scenarios in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6), underscoring the importance of reducing anthropogenic N2O emissions. To evaluate mitigation efforts and contribute to the Global Stocktake of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, we propose the establishment of a global network for monitoring and modeling N2O from the surface through to the stratosphere. The data presented in this work can be downloaded from (Tian et al., 2023).
Treat, Claire C., Anna-Maria Virkkala, Eleanor Burke, Lori Bruhwiler, Abhishek Chatterjee, Joshua B. Fisher, Josh Hashemi, Frans-Jan W. Parmentier, Brendan M. Rogers, Sebastian Westermann, Jennifer D. Watts, Elena Blanc-Betes, Matthias Fuchs, Stefan Kruse, Avni Malhotra, Kimberley Miner, Jens Strauss, Amanda Armstrong, Howard E. Epstein, Bradley Gay, Mathias Goeckede, Aram Kalhori, Dan Kou, Charles E. Miller, Susan M. Natali, Youmi Oh, Sarah Shakil, Oliver Sonnentag, Ruth K. Varner, Scott Zolkos, Edward A. G. Schuur and Gustaf Hugelius, (2024), Permafrost Carbon: Progress On Understanding Stocks And Fluxes Across Northern Terrestrial Ecosystems, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 129, 3, 10.1029/2023JG007638


Significant progress in permafrost carbon science made over the past decades include the identification of vast permafrost carbon stocks, the development of new pan-Arctic permafrost maps, an increase in terrestrial measurement sites for CO2 and methane fluxes, and important factors affecting carbon cycling, including vegetation changes, periods of soil freezing and thawing, wildfire, and other disturbance events. Process-based modeling studies now include key elements of permafrost carbon cycling and advances in statistical modeling and inverse modeling enhance understanding of permafrost region C budgets. By combining existing data syntheses and model outputs, the permafrost region is likely a wetland methane source and small terrestrial ecosystem CO2 sink with lower net CO2 uptake toward higher latitudes, excluding wildfire emissions. For 2002-2014, the strongest CO2 sink was located in western Canada (median: -52 g C m-2 y-1) and smallest sinks in Alaska, Canadian tundra, and Siberian tundra (medians: -5 to -9 g C m-2 y-1). Eurasian regions had the largest median wetland methane fluxes (16-18 g CH4 m-2 y-1). Quantifying the regional scale carbon balance remains challenging because of high spatial and temporal variability and relatively low density of observations. More accurate permafrost region carbon fluxes require: (a) the development of better maps characterizing wetlands and dynamics of vegetation and disturbances, including abrupt permafrost thaw; (b) the establishment of new year-round CO2 and methane flux sites in underrepresented areas; and (c) improved models that better represent important permafrost carbon cycle dynamics, including non-growing season emissions and disturbance effects. Climate change and the consequent thawing of permafrost threatens to transform the permafrost region from a carbon sink into a carbon source, posing a challenge to global climate goals. Numerous studies over the past decades have identified important factors affecting carbon cycling, including vegetation changes, periods of soil freezing and thawing, wildfire, and other disturbance events. Overall, studies show high wetland methane emissions and a small net carbon dioxide sink strength over the terrestrial permafrost region but results differ among modeling and upscaling approaches. Continued and coordinated efforts among field, modeling, and remote sensing communities are needed to integrate new knowledge from observations to modeling and predictions and finally to policy. Rapid warming of northern permafrost region threatens ecosystems, soil carbon stocks, and global climate targets Long-term observations show importance of disturbance and cold season periods but are unable to detect spatiotemporal trends in C flux Combined modeling and syntheses show the permafrost region is a small terrestrial CO2 sink with large spatial variability and net CH4 source
Truax, Olivia J., Christina R. Riesselman, Gary S. Wilson, Craig L. Stevens, Rebecca L. Parker, Jae Il Lee, Robert M. McKay, Brad E. Rosenheim, Catherine E. Ginnane, Jocelyn C. Turnbull, Heung Soo Moon, Min Kyung Lee, Bob Dagg and Kyu-Cheul Yoo, (2024), Holocene Paleoceanographic Variability In Robertson Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica: A Marine Record Of Ocean, Ice Sheet, And Climate Connectivity, QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 332, 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108635


Accelerating ocean-driven basal melting of Antarctic ice shelves in recent decades has implications for sea level rise and global overturning circulation. Here, we reconstruct oceanographic conditions at the confluence of the Ross Sea and the Southern Ocean by analyzing a multi-proxy Holocene marine sedimentary record collected from Robertson Bay. A ramped pyrolysis oxidation radiocarbon age-depth model provides a timeline for glacial behavior and oceanographic changes over the last 6700 years. The diatom assemblage, magnetic susceptibility, grain size, total organic carbon and nitrogen, trace elements, and bulk delta 13C are used as proxies for changing ocean and glacial conditions, which we interpret in the context of modern oceanographic measurements. Our record shows evidence of persistent ice cover in the northwestern Ross Sea during the Antarctic midHolocene climate optimum (ca. 5 cal kyr BP). Based on this observation, we suggest that meltwater and iceberg discharge associated with ice sheet retreat in the Ross Sea region altered local oceanography during the mid-Holocene. The onset of modern style oceanographic conditions in Robertson Bay occurred at ca. 4 cal kyr BP. Stable late Holocene conditions in are punctuated by a period of enhanced polynya activity and upwelling of nutrient rich Circumpolar Deep Water ca. 0.8 cal kyr BP and an increase in the seasonal duration of sea ice after 0.7 cal kyr BP, during the Little Ice Age. The response of the marine environment in Robertson Bay to midHolocene ice sheet retreat and natural climate variability during the last millennium underscores the sensitivity of the Antarctic ice-ocean interface to projected changes in coming decades.
Vali, Gabor and Russell C. Schnell, (2024), Looking Back: An Account Of How Ice Nucleation By Bacteria Was Discovered (1963 To About Mid-1980s). Part I: The Basics, BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, 105, 4, E778-E788, 10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0114.1


An overview is given of the path of research that led from asking how hailstones originate to the discovery that ice nucleation can be initiated by bacteria and other microorganisms at temperatures as high as -2 degrees C. The major steps along that path were finding exceptionally effective ice nucleators in soils with a high content of decayed vegetative matter, then in decaying tree leaves, and then in plankton -laden ocean water. Eventually, it was shown that Pseudomonas syringae bacteria were responsible for most of the observed activity. That identification coincided with the demonstration that the same bacteria cause frost damage on plants. Ice nucleation by bacteria meant an unexpected turn in the understanding of ice nucleation and of ice formation in the atmosphere. Subsequent research confirmed the unique effectiveness of ice nucleating particles (INP) of biological origin, referred to as bio-INPs, so that bio-INPs are now considered to be important elements of lower -tropospheric cloud processes. Nonetheless, some of the questions which originally motivated the research are still unresolved, so that revisiting the early work may be helpful to current endeavors. Part I of this manuscript summarizes how the discovery progressed. Part II (Schnell and Vali) shows the relationship between bio-INPs in soils and in precipitation with climate and other findings. The online supplemental material contains a bibliography of recent work about bio-INPs.
Wang, Yinuo, Minde An, Luke M. Western, Ronald G. Prinn, Jianxin Hu, Xingchen Zhao, Matthew Rigby, Jens Muhle, Martin K. Vollmer, Ray F. Weiss and Bo Yao, (2024), Rising Perfluorocyclobutane (PFC-318, c-C4F8) Emissions In China From 2011 To 2020 Inferred From Atmospheric Observations, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE \& TECHNOLOGY, 58, 26, 11606-11614, 10.1021/acs.est.3c10325


Global atmospheric emissions of perfluorocyclobutane (c-C4F8, PFC-318), a potent greenhouse gas, have increased rapidly in recent years. Combining atmospheric observations made at nine Chinese sites with a Lagrangian dispersion model-based Bayesian inversion technique, we show that PFC-318 emissions in China grew by approximately 70\% from 2011 to 2020, rising from 0.65 (0.54-0.72) Gg year(-1) in 2011 to 1.12 (1.05-1.19) Gg year(-1) in 2020. The PFC-318 emission increase from China played a substantial role in the overall increase in global emissions during the study period, contributing 58\% to the global total emission increase. This growth predominantly originated in eastern China. The regions with high emissions of PFC-318 in China overlap with areas densely populated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) factories, implying that fluoropolymer factories are important sources of PFC-318 emissions in China. Our investigation reveals an emission factor of approximately 3.02 g of byproduct PFC-318 emissions per kg of hydrochlorofluorocarbon-22 (HCFC-22) feedstock use in the production of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) (for PTFE production) and hexafluoropropylene (HFP) if we assume all HCFC-22 produced for feedstock uses in China are pyrolyzed to produce PTFE and HFP. Further facility-level sampling and analysis are needed for a more precise evaluation of emissions from these factories.
Ward, Rebecca H., Colm Sweeney, John B. Miller, Mathias Goeckede, Tuomas Laurila, Juha Hatakka, Viktor Ivakov, Motoki Sasakawa, Toshinobu Machida, Shinji Morimoto, Daisuke Goto and Anita L. Ganesan, (2024), Increasing Methane Emissions And Widespread Cold-Season Release From High-Arctic Regions Detected Through Atmospheric Measurements, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 129, 11, 10.1029/2024JD040766


Rising Arctic temperatures pose a threat to the large carbon stores trapped in Arctic permafrost. To assess methane emissions in high-Arctic regions, we analyzed atmospheric data from Alaska and Siberia using two methods: (a) a wind sector approach to calculate emission changes based on concentration enhancements using wind direction, and (b) an inversion method utilizing a high-resolution atmospheric transport model. Incorporating data after 2015, we observed a significant rise in methane emissions (0.018 +/- 0.005 Tg yr-2 from 2000 to 2021) from Alaska s North Slope, indicating a shift from previous analyses. We find 34\%-50\% of yearly emissions occurred in the late season (September-December) consistently across multiple years and regions, which is historically underestimated in models and inventories. Our findings reveal significant changes occurring in the Arctic, highlighting the crucial role of long-term atmospheric measurements in monitoring the region, especially during the cold season. The Arctic is undergoing dramatic changes with temperatures increasing at four times the global average. This increase in temperature threatens to thaw the large stores of frozen carbon in Arctic soils which can be released as methane, a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. We use measurements of methane in the atmosphere from four Arctic Ocean coastal stations to quantify emissions from the surface. We find that emissions from the North Slope of Alaska have been increasing over the past three decades, which reflects a change from previous analyses. Additionally, we show large and consistent emissions from September to December across multiple Arctic regions. This season has traditionally been underestimated in global methane budgets and providing accurate methane quantification is vital for climate change mitigation. Our results show that important change is occurring in the Arctic, and long-term atmospheric data can be used to monitor this change, particularly in the cold season. Increasing tundra methane emissions from the Alaskan North Slope from 1986 to 2021 are now detected through long-term atmospheric measurements Emissions from the late season (September-December) are found to be persistent across multiple years and from three high Arctic regions Late season underestimation of emissions in models and inventories is attributed to an underestimation of the emitting area
Western, Luke M., John S. Daniel, Martin K. Vollmer, Scott Clingan, Molly Crotwell, Paul J. Fraser, Anita L. Ganesan, Brad Hall, Christina M. Harth, Paul B. Krummel, Jens Muehle, Simon O Doherty, Peter K. Salameh, Kieran M. Stanley, Stefan Reimann, Isaac Vimont, Dickon Young, Matt Rigby, Ray F. Weiss, Ronald G. Prinn and Stephen A. Montzka, (2024), A Decrease In Radiative Forcing And Equivalent Effective Chlorine From Hydrochlorofluorocarbons, NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 10.1038/s41558-024-02038-7


The Montreal Protocol and its successive amendments have been successful in curbing emissions of ozone-depleting substances and potent greenhouse gases via production/consumption controls. Here we show that the radiative forcing and equivalent effective chlorine from hydrochlorofluorocarbons has decreased from 61.75 mW m- 2 and 321.69 ppt, respectively, since 2021, 5 years before the most recent projected decrease. This important milestone demonstrates the benefits of the Protocol for mitigating climate change and stratospheric ozone layer loss. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons are important ozone-depleting substances. Here the authors show that the radiative forcing and equivalent effective chlorine from hydrochlorofluorocarbons has decreased in recent years, 5 years earlier than expected.
Western, Luke M., Scott D. Bachman, Stephen A. Montzka and Matt Rigby, (2024), MALTA: A Zonally Averaged Global Atmospheric Transport Model For Long-Lived Trace Gases, JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS, 16, 5, 10.1029/2023MS003909


We present a two-dimensional, zonally averaged global model of atmospheric transport named MALTA: Model of Averaged in Longitude Transport in the Atmosphere. It aims to be accessible to a broad community of users, with the primary function of quantifying emissions of greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances. The model transport is derived from meteorological reanalysis data and flux-gradient experiments using a three-dimensional transport model. Atmospheric sinks are prescribed loss frequency fields. The zonally averaged model simulates important large-scale transport features such as the influence on trace gas concentrations of the quasi-biennial oscillation and variations in inter-hemispheric transport rates. Stratosphere-troposphere exchange is comparable to a three-dimensional model and inter-hemispheric transport is faster by up to 0.3 years than typical transport times of three-dimensional models, depending on the metric used. Validation of the model shows that it can estimate emissions of CFC-11 from an incorrect a priori emissions field well using three-dimensional (3D) mole fraction fields generated using a different 3D model than which the flux gradient relationships were derived. The model is open source and is expected to be applicable to a wide range of studies requiring a fast, simple model of atmospheric transport and chemical processes for estimating associated emissions or mole fractions. We introduce a simplified global model that simulates the movement of gases in the atmosphere. The main goal of this model is to understand how greenhouse gases and substances that deplete the ozone layer are transported and distributed, and to more accurately estimate their global emissions using concentrations measured in the atmosphere over time. To achieve this, the model uses data from weather analysis and experiments conducted with a more complex three-dimensional model. The model calculates how gases move across different latitudes and altitudes, and accounts for their chemical loss. The simplified model can accurately reproduce large-scale atmospheric transport phenomena. The model is publicly available. We expect it to be useful for research that requires a fast and easy to use model to understand large-scale atmospheric transport and related processes. A user-friendly 2D global atmospheric transport model using transport derived from 3D reanalysis data and flux-gradient experiments Intended for use with long-lived greenhouse gases and ozone-depleting substances An open-source model, which is applicable to diverse studies on emissions and chemical processes
Wu, Zhendong, Alex Vermeulen, Yousuke Sawa, Ute Karstens, Wouter Peters, Remco de Kok, Xin Lan, Yasuyuki Nagai, Akinori Ogi and Oksana Tarasova, (2024), Investigating The Differences In Calculating Global Mean Surface CO2 Abundance: The Impact Of Analysis Methodologies And Site Selection, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 24, 2, 1249-1264, 10.5194/acp-24-1249-2024


The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) coordinates high-quality atmospheric greenhouse gas observations globally and provides these observations through the WMO World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG) supported by Japan Meteorological Agency. The WDCGG and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) analyse these measurements using different methodologies and site selection to calculate global annual mean surface CO2 and its growth rate as a headline climate indicator. This study introduces a third hybrid method named GFIT, which serves as an independent validation and open-source alternative to the methods described by NOAA and WDCGG. We apply GFIT to incorporate observations from most WMO GAW stations and 3D modelled CO2 fields from CarbonTracker Europe (CTE). We find that different observational networks (i.e. NOAA, GAW, and CTE networks) and analysis methods result in differences in the calculated global surface CO2 mole fractions equivalent to the current atmospheric growth rate over a 3-month period. However, the CO2 growth rate derived from these networks and the CTE model output shows good agreement. Over the long-term period (40 years), both networks with and without continental sites exhibit the same trend in the growth rate (0.030 +/- 0.002 ppm yr(-1) each year). However, a clear difference emerges in the short-term (1-month) change in the growth rate. The network that includes continental sites improves the early detection of changes in biogenic emissions.
Yang, Xin, Kimberly Strong, Alison S. Criscitiello, Marta Santos-Garcia, Kristof Bognar, Xiaoyi Zhao, Pierre Fogal, Kaley A. Walker, Sara M. Morris and Peter Effertz, (2024), Surface Snow Bromide And Nitrate At Eureka, Canada, In Early Spring And Implications For Polar Boundary Layer Chemistry, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 24, 10, 5863-5886, 10.5194/acp-24-5863-2024


This study explores the role of snowpack in polar boundary layer
Zhou, Xin, Sandip S. Dhomse, Wuhu Feng, Graham Mann, Saffron Heddell, Hugh Pumphrey, Brian J. Kerridge, Barry Latter, Richard Siddans, Lucy Ventress, Richard Querel, Penny Smale, Elizabeth Asher, Emrys G. Hall, Slimane Bekki and Martyn P. Chipperfield, (2024), Antarctic Vortex Dehydration In 2023 As A Substantial Removal Pathway For Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha Apai Water Vapor, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 51, 8, 10.1029/2023GL107630


The January 2022 eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha apai (HTHH) injected a huge amount (similar to 150 Tg) of water vapor (H2O) into the stratosphere, along with small amount of SO2. An off-line 3-D chemical transport model (CTM) successfully reproduces the spread of the injected H2O through October 2023 as observed by the Microwave Limb Sounder. Dehydration in the 2023 Antarctic polar vortex caused the first substantial (similar to 20 Tg) removal of HTHH H2O from the stratosphere. The CTM indicates that this process will dominate removal of HTHH H2O for the coming years, giving an overall e-folding timescale of 4 years; around 25 Tg of the injected H2O is predicted to still remain in the stratosphere by 2030. Following relatively low Antarctic column ozone in midwinter 2023 due to transport effects, additional springtime depletion due to H2O-related chemistry was small and maximized at the vortex edge (10 DU in column). Around 150 Tg (150 million tons) of water vapor was injected into the stratosphere during the eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha apai. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas and this increase is expected to have a warming effect in the troposphere, as well causing perturbations in stratospheric chemistry and aerosols. We use an atmospheric model to study the residence time of this excess water vapor and its impact on the recent Antarctic ozone hole. The model performance is evaluated by comparison with satellite measurements. Wintertime dehydration in the Antarctic stratosphere in 2023 is found to be an important mechanism for removal of the volcanic water from the stratosphere. However, the overall removal rate is predicted to be slow; around 25 Tg (17\%) is still present in 2030. The direct impact of the excess water vapor on ozone via chemical processes in the Antarctic ozone hole in 2023 is small. Antarctic dehydration is a major removal pathway of stratospheric H2O injected from Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha apai (HTHH) eruption HTHH H2O caused small (up to 10 DU) additional chemical ozone depletion in 2023 Antarctic spring Model indicates e-folding timescale of 4 years for removal of HTHH H2O from stratosphere