GML Staff

Sandy McClellan

Staff Listing

Sandy McClellan

Budget Specialist

Mailing Address:
NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
325 Broadway R/GML
Boulder CO 80305-3328

Phone: 303-497-3560

Sandy McClellan

Sandy McClellan is a Budget Specialist for the NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory, Global Monitoring Laboratory (NOAA/ESRL/GML) in Boulder, CO.

Sandy’s Duties Include:


Sandy oversees and is responsible for the administrative processing side of the Firm Fixed Priced (FFP) Reimbursable Agreements associated with ESRL GML. Sandy’s Reimbursable duties include preparing Inter-agency Agreements, getting legal clearances; tracking entire program; ordering project and task codes associated with each project and inputting them into the CBS system; figuring and inputting yearly RFFP allotments by project into CBS; monitoring and tracking payments; invoicing of non-federal vendors; resolving any discrepancies or problems between customer, NOAA Finance, and/or NOAA Headquarters.

Other Professional Experience:

Sandy has worked at NOAA since 2008. Her first position was as a contractor for almost eight years working as the project coordinator for a Navy program called Advanced Systems Applications Program (ASAP) where she supervised a group of Russian scientists, completed Human Resource actions, performed employee evaluations, conducted Quarterly Science Steering Group (SSG) meetings, Annual Program reviews, monthly financial and science status reports.

In August of 2016 she took on the role of Budget Analyst and Program Support Specialist, responsible for managing a multi-million dollar budget for the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) and administrative support to the NIDIS program staff.

Sandy is a U.S. Air Force Honorably Discharged Veteran.