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Annual Climatology and Profile Plots

OIL - Oglesby, Illinois


Figure 1: Annual Climatology is a compilation of all CO2 time series data that has been collected with the Mauna Loa (MLO) trend removed. The Historical profile includes every CO2 measurement (excluding flagged data) for each month, at each altitude and has been binned to get the monthly average.


Figure 1: Annual Climatology is a compilation of all CO time series data that has been collected with the Mauna Loa (MLO) trend removed. The Historical profile includes every CO measurement (excluding flagged data) for each month, at each altitude and has been binned to get the monthly average.


Figure 1: Annual Climatology is a compilation of all CH4 time series data that has been collected with the Mauna Loa (MLO) trend removed. The Historical profile includes every CH4 measurement (excluding flagged data) for each month, at each altitude and has been binned to get the monthly average.


Figure 1: Annual Climatology is a compilation of all N2O time series data that has been collected with the Mauna Loa (MLO) trend removed. The Historical profile includes every N2O measurement (excluding flagged data) for each month, at each altitude and has been binned to get the monthly average.


Figure 1: Annual Climatology is a compilation of all SF6 time series data that has been collected with the Mauna Loa (MLO) trend removed. The Historical profile includes every SF6 measurement (excluding flagged data) for each month, at each altitude and has been binned to get the monthly average.