Residuals (CarbonTracker-CH4)

Summary of CarbonTracker-CH4 residuals for CH4. CarbonTracker residuals (simulated minus observed, in nmol mol-1) as a function of time and latitude for (top) prior and (bottom) posterior estimation. Each dot represents the time and location of a CH4 observation that was assimilated/unassimilated in CarbonTracker. Colors represent the difference between the simulated value and the actual measurement.

Summary of CarbonTracker-CH4 residuals for δ13C-CH4. CarbonTracker residuals (simulated minus observed, in permil (‰)) as a function of time and latitude for (top) prior and (bottom) posterior estimation. Each dot represents the time and location of a δ13C-CH4 observation that was assimilated/unassimilated in CarbonTracker. Colors represent the difference between the simulated value and the actual measurement.

Please see CH4 Time Series or δ13C-CH4 Time Series for residuals of individual sites.