Welcome to the MLO's Web Museum! This section of our website presents you with a visual history of Mauna Loa Observatory.

The "Events" section contains a chronological overview of MLO that includes descriptions of major events and photographs of the observatory that date back to the birth of its first constructed building in the 1950's.

The "Past Projects" section contains a list of retired atmospheric research programs, and is also accessible from the "Programs" section of our website.

The "Publications" section contains information about the MLO 40th Anniversary publication, as well as the upcoming 50th Anniversary History book (written by Forrest Mims) that will be published in late 2007. Here you will also find a bibliography of atmospheric research papers affiliated with Mauna Loa Observatory.

The "White Dog Legend" section celebrates Hawaii's legendary culture and describes a series of an unusual citings from the observatory over the years.