GML Staff
Jonathan Kofler
Mailing Address:
NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
325 Broadway R/GML
Boulder CO 80305-3328
Phone: 303-497-4679

Jon Kofler is responsible for maintaining in-situ trace gas measurements at tower sites across the continental US and Alaska for the Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases group within NOAA’s Global Monitoring Laboratory. Jon was hired in 2004 to expand the tower network from 2 sites to a dozen. He was involved in testing and design of a new measurement platform, and then installation of the platform to expand the number of sites for tower institu and flask measurements. As the technical lead on the tower in situ and flask project, Jon recruits the help of an in-house engineer and technician and also directs the activities of local site technicians. Jon has participated in several special projects over the years. Most notably in the development of a mobile measurement system integrated into a utility van that was used for several years to study oil and gas emissions.
Jon received a Masters of Science (M.S.) in Physics from the University of Colorado specializing in atmospheric physics. After his M.S., and before starting at NOAA, Jon spent 10 years employed as a cabinetmaker and 3 years working in fiber optics at NIST. His background prepared him for the variety of skills and tasks required to maintain the tower sites. Jon enjoys the variety of work tasks his work requires, including logistics, measurement expertise, laboratory work, field work, site visits, software development, and working as part of a team. Outside of work, Jon enjoys hiking and backpacking in the local indian peaks wilderness and has a passion for renewable energy and reducing his carbon footprint.