WMO/IAEA Round Robin Comparison Experiment - Current Cylinders
Round Robin #7 is currently underway [started: November 2020]
Please Note: The current Round Robin experiment will close on 2024-06-30.
The following table includes information on the set of high-pressure cylinders for the WMO/IAEA Round Robin Experiment currently underway. Cylinder information and results from previous Round Robin experiments may be found here.
The fields are described as ...
- [RR #] - Current WMO Round Robin number.
- [Circuit #] - The circuit number in which the listed cylinder is being circulated.
- [ID] - Serial Number imprinted on the listed cylinder.
- [Category] - Each cylinder in each circuit has a [L]ow, [M]id, or [H]igh designation indicating the relative magnitude of the CO2 mole fraction within the cylinder (H > M > L).
- [Fill Date] - Date on which the cylinder was filled.
- [Fill] - The location at which the cylinder was filled.
- [Fill Pressure] - The cylinder pressure (psig) immediately after filling.
- [Parameter] - Specifies the trace gas species for which the nominal value assigned to the RR cylinder and calibration scale are reported.
- [Nominal Value] - The nominal value (± a value that defines the nominal range) assigned to the RR cylinder. For example, 370 (5) ppm CO2 means the assigned value is in the range 370 ± 5 ppm or 365-375 ppm CO2.
- [Reported Scale] - The nominal value is reported relative to the specified WMO mole fraction calibration scale if one exists or equivalent. More information on calibration scales may be found here