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(BND) Bondville, Illinois, United States

Sampling Stations Page

Site Description
Station Information
Category: Perturbed Continental
Collaborating Institutes: University of Illinois
Illinois State Water Survey
Status: Operational July, 1994; New building October 2017
Site Info: Contacts:
Erin Boedicker
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305

Mailing address:
Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS)
2204 Griffith Dr
Dock B
Champaign, IL 61820-7495
Links: Bondville Site info
WMO/GAW station information page
Photos and Drawings: BND Photos, old building
BND Photos, new building
Station flow diagram

Optical property climatology and trends

Sherman et al. (2015) published an analysis of the climatology of aerosol optical properties at Bondville and three other North American sites. The Sherman paper also studied trends at BND, while Collaud Coen et al. (2020) put surface aerosol optical property trends (including from BND) in a global context.

Aerosol profiles at BND

Between June 2006 and September 2009 an instrumented light aircraft flew vertical profile flights over the Bondville site. This Airborne Aerosol Observatory measured aerosol optical properties, size distribution, major ion composition and aerosol hygroscopicity. There were also gas monitors on board for CO2 and ozone. Results are described in Sheridan et al., 2012

Hygroscopic growth at BND

In the mid-1990s measurements of the hygroscopic growth (f(RH)) factor were made at BND through a collaboration between NOAA/ESRL and the University of Illinois. These results show both similarities and differences with f(RH) measurements made at other sites.

BND Aerosol Properties Plots

Statistical Summary Plots - Multi-year record of final aerosol and atmospheric property data.

Do not quote or cite.

Atmospheric Properties

These plots are designed to provide a quick look at the measured aerosol properties. They display raw unedited data, but known corrections for instrument errors have been applied.

Short-Term Status Plots (last 5 days) Long-Term Averaged Plots (hourly averages, last 30 days)
Number ConcentrationNumber Concentration
Absorption OverviewAbsorption Overview
Filter Absorption PhotometerFilter Absorption Photometer